AUG 10, 17 .. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE .. Supplemental PART IV

I literally, just now, responded to a comment ‘Zilla left me regarding my last Post, AUG 9, 17 .. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE .. PART IV.

In part ‘Zilla said..

“Looking forward to your next trip to “Russia with Love”, Parts V, VI, VII, VIII, etc, etc, etc”

Chad 45039, you have no idea of how often I think of you, back in the late summer of  2009 was it, teaching me at your dining room table, how to do copy / paste. A life-moment my friend. Hope you and your family are doing well Chad.

I replied to ‘Zilla..

“Hum-m-m, you are looking forward to Parts V, VI, VII, VIII, etc, etc, etc. That makes me wonder IF I should indeed continue this numbering system. Soon, one week from right now this instant, God and the Good Lord willing, I will be going to Irkutsk, Russian Siberia. I am wondering if that adventure should continue in this numbering system. This past trip is about to pass into the pages of historical time. Got it. Maybe it will be .. FROM IRKUTSK RUSSIA WITH LOVE”..

Poor Changer! I kept calling IRKUTSK (Air-koot-ssssKKKKuh), IRTUSK (Eerrr-tusk) .

“Cap! Please ‘get-it-correct’.” Changer kept pleading with me. “It sounds exactly like it is written Cap. IR .. KUT .. SK.” I think I have got it, more or less, down-pat.

“Changer?” .. “Yes Cap.” .. “Changer I really need help with Gusinoozyorsk!!”

“Cap.” .. “Yes Changer.” .. “Cap I will get back to you on Gusinoozyorsk.”

Sports Fans.. Officers and Enlisted.. Ladies and Gentlemen.. Boys and Girls..

Are we all having fun here? I sure hope so. Not long ago I was thinking that, never ever again in this lifetime will I be back in Hong Kong and Mongolia let alone Russian Siberia.

You BELIEVE. You don’t believe. There is no middle ground. There is no Ahh.. But.. Maybe..

Geez Gullible! I am so sorry you just fell out of your chair, spilling your dinner onto the floor..

I BELIEVE that ‘this is all meant-to-be’.  I BELIEVE that I have an important message to pass along.

Lord God in Heaven Above! Where Was I Going Here Before The Wheels Began To Wobble And Fall Off..

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AUG 10, 17 .. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE .. Supplemental Part IV

I am still very much in the recovering-from-my-trip to Russia process.

Last Monday afternoon, after I was safely home in my apartment here in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, following my trip to Ulan-Ude, Russia, and Sukhbaatar, Mongolia..

I texted Patti..

17:35 .. “Happy to be home. I am feeling strong. Off to get minutes on my MobiCom cell phone.”

Then I texted Patti..

18:03 .. “I went out to the Supermrkt. I got groceries. I am back & IN FOR THE NIGHT. I’m NOT going to spoil the 6 days w a fall or who knows what! I need 2 come down EZ”

Here’s where I am going..

19:06 .. “Wouldn’t it be tragic and so so sad if on the day of my return from my trip to Russia something happened to me? No way do we want that. I could fall here. LvU”

In my just-now reply to ‘Zilla’s comment to yesterday’s Post I went on to write..

Daily, hourly, by the minute, I realize how fragile life can be and one slip, one fall, here in Mongolia, in Russia, I am in big-time-trouble. I opened a jar of apple sauce and my wrist felt like it was going to ‘snap’.

Speaking about my wrist feeling like it was going to ‘snap’ as I wrestled with my apple sauce jar..

I am not supposed to, ever again in this lifetime, lift more than 15-pounds. How can I possibly live with this recommendation from my doctor?

Yesterday morning, I took my once-a-month dosage of 150mg Risedronate Sodium for my male osteoporosis. You take Risedronate on an empty stomach first thing in the morning with 6 to 8-oz (16-oz per my prescribing doctor) of plain NOT mineral water. Then for 30-minutes (1-hour per my prescribing doctor).. No eating. NO liquids.  DO NOT lie down. Sit up or stand.

What does your Captain do?

I (my doctor’s words) wash-it-down with 16-oz of plain water. Then I STAND erect vertical for.. NOT 30-minutes.. NOT 1-hour.. I am on-my-feet standing or walking (I do NOT even sit) for TWO full HOURS. Yesterday my regimen lasted a tad over 3-hours. Then, and only then, after not 30-minutes / not 1-hour / but after 2-hours, do I take any supplements, vitamins, minerals, prescriptions, or eat or drink any thing.

On the 17th of July, I had a formal appointment with my Hong Kong Doctor including an x-ray body scan for bone density. He prescribes 35mg Risedronate Sodium on a once-a-week regimen. I was thrilled when he and my pharmacies in Hong Kong both know about / prescribe / sell 35mg dosages of Risedronate.

The manufacturer of Risedronate offers it in (daily) 5 mg doses, (weekly) 35mg doses, and (monthly) 150mg doses.

I asked my doctor in the U.S. IF taking it weekly (to keep it in your system more regularly) wouldn’t be better. He vehemently said that once a month is the best dosage. My Hong Kong doctor and the pharmacies prefer the weekly 35mg dosage.

I took a nice slow walk to two of my favorite pharmacies. Neither were aware of Risedronate Sodium. Then I went to my local hospital’s pharmacy and NO they are not familiar with Risedronate Sodium either thank you. Bought some products for my water-works challenges. Shopped and got some groceries. In general had my usual good-time when my once-a-month Risedronate regimen appears on my calendar.

Where to now with FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE.

I am going to put up a Post on showing a range of photographs that I snapped of Ulan-Ude.


I am going to sign off here quoting from a George and Ira Gershwin song, They Can’t Take That Away From Me, sung by Fred Astaire to Ginger Rogers in a 1937 movie.. Shall We Dance.

The way you wear your hat

The way you sip your tea

The memory of all that

No, no, they can’t take that away from me

The way your smile just beams

The way you sing off key

The way you haunt my dreams

No, no, they can’t take that away from me

It’s now been a week.. I have not fallen down nor injured myself.. I am still on my feet looking out at the pitcher for the incoming pitch..

No matter what happens from here into the future, with God’s help and support and yours too, I now have memories of Russia..

No, no, they can’t take those away from me!


Now I am out and off to blogspot to Post a few photos of Ulan-Ude in what I will call.. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE .. PART V

3 thoughts on “AUG 10, 17 .. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE .. Supplemental PART IV

  1. patricia boone

    It SO sounds like you are carefully pacing yourself. The trip into Russia was a challenge of pacing, but you survived! Keep up the good work! Love, Patti

  2. Chad Royer

    Hi Cap,
    We are all doing really well as far as I can tell. Not as ambitious as you, but happily trying to do our part most of the time while probably being a little too focused on enjoying ourselves both with activities and taking it easy.

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