You will notice one of the sub-titles above is Mental Health. Maybe it should be Mental Illness.

Here we go.

All of my ‘things’ that travel with me are my Bobbsey’s. All of them.

The small Bobbsey you are about to read about has been with me, on my Traveling Team, for a minimum of twenty seven (27) years. Never ever have I called this small Bobbsey into action until this morning.

When I reached for it, if it could have spoken, it would’ve said, “Dad. I gave up on ever being used twenty five (25) years ago.”

The small, black bag at the top of the below photo is my Sewing Kit. This Sewing Kit is, in and of itself, a MAJOR Bobbsey. It is literally filled with many MANY items and I use it constantly.

At the bottom of the above photo, the small plastic Zip-Loc bag is one of the contents of the larger black bag. Inside of the small plastic Zip-Loc bag you will see a small, blue item. I believe, I am not positive, that I got this mini-sewing kit on my United Airlines flight From San Francisco to Hong Kong on October 24th, 1990. I have had it ever since. Until today, I have never ever opened it up. It has just patiently ‘stood at the ready’ for all of these years.

Inside he has a variety of colored thread as well as two buttons and a needle.

I have never ever used him because I have a larger supply of white thread. Well this morning, when I went to get the white thread that I usually use, it was all used up.


I opened up the mini-sewing kit from United Airlines and presto, there was white thread ‘at the ready’.

So? Now you know about the squeal of joy I heard from the United Airlines mini-sewing kit you see above.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 

It has been raining here. This morning I went out to get a few things at my local super market.

I was walking along my street.

There were quite a few puddles.

I could have killed  the thoughtless driver of the automobile who roared past me and covered me with water. I was literally, soaked-to-the-skin, from my waist down. Luckily it happened as I was going home so I did not drip all over the super market floor and I did not get a chill. I went right up to my apartment and washed and dried my trousers and set out my shoes to dry along with my also freshly washed socks.

Being soaked, I actually could have joined in with the children out in front of my apartment building playing in ‘our’ lake.

Kids, these are actually BIG KIDS, and water. Smiles.

Can’t you just feel the Pure Joy.

The sun came-out and voila. I guess rainy-day-people don’t come out when the sun-is-shining.

CHOP STICKS.  You don’t want to miss this.

Just when I thought that I’d seen-it-all.. Here comes a new adventure with Chop Sticks.

At our wonderful lunch last Friday, IF you will just look a little carefully, you can see chop sticks in action and mine (lower right) at the bottom playing ‘gang-plank’ up to the serving platter.

Below is how they were set out at our table. I wondered.. Whaaaa ?

You open up the small red package (above unopened) and find two wooden pieces.

You line up the two wooden pieces with the main body of the chop stick holder (left)..

And you then push them into the main body and voila.. Chop Sticks.

Never Ever In My Life, until lunch last Friday, have I seen such Chop Sticks.

I LOST MY BICYCLE HELMET .. Really and truly I lost it.

Bummer. My life, to some small degree, depends upon it. IF I fall and hit my head..

Friday I had an idea.

Maybe.. Just Maybe.. I left my helmet at the Post Office last Monday when I was downtown.

You must remember : I have been dealing with the Postal Staff here at the main Ulaanbaatar Post Office for over two years now. I go in and I purchase twenty to fifty or more post cards and stamps at a visit.

In I walked. I thought I saw a spark in the eyes of my most favorite postal clerk. She turned away from me as I was walking towards her. As I reached the counter she had bent down and was ‘getting something’ out from her postal supply cabinet behind her.

As she turned abound and handed my helmet to me.. She was BEAMING..


I will now end with..

Today’s Rhetorical Question : How did your Captain do with shooting a few ‘selfies’?

I may have issues with my left kidney, but I sure do feel wonderful.


2 thoughts on “AUG 20, 17 .. THE SMALLEST VOICE SAID .. OH-H-H DAD!

  1. patricia boone

    And the United Airlines sewing kit experiences victory, AT LAST!! Kids are always attracted to puddles, also puddles that have become small lakes!! And, now you have seen chopsticks that have “add ons” … had to smile at that one!! Your angels DO watch out for you, the latest being the postal lady who kept your helmet safe for you until you returned for it!! A day in the life of our charmed Captain … Smiles, Love. Patti

  2. Cap Chastain Post author

    Wow huh? At least 27-years of waiting patiently to be used, the sweet United Airlines mini-sewing kit. These were BIG kids weren’t they? Never seen chop sticks like these. I wonder IF they wash the chop stick holders in hot soapy water. I really like this postal clerk. I am sure you saw her when you were here. The instant she spotted me she went right to her cabinet behind her to ‘fetch’ my helmet.

    Charmed life? You had better believe it. Love .. Cap

    Speaking of which..

    That is what I am waiting for the Mayo medical team to say in Rochester, Minnesota, when they view my Mongolian CT Scan and then compare it with the one they are sure to perform that shows nothing of note. Still Smiling My Dear One..

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