Oh My Goodness ! I felt, when I sat down here, this Post was going to be a 15 minute, “Bam Bam Thank You Ma’am” process.

Instead, when I began to write, it merrily and giddily ran out the gate and into the beyond pastures with me in pursuit, trying in vain to “catch up to it and to reel it in”. I failed to do either.

What to do? Delete and start over? Lose an hour or more of effort. 

I think not.

I have now at least forewarned you to at consider “Deleting This Post Before Reading It”.

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Monday March the 20th, 2023

Today, at 1:24pm in Alaska, IS the 2023 Vernal Equinox. The day and the night are equal. From now on however, the days will now be longer than those LONG nights of winter.

No matter where you are on Earth, the equinox brings us a number of seasonal effects, noticeable to nature lovers around the globe.

Up in the NORTH (read : Alaska) the Vernal Equinox is a bit of a big-deal. Spring IS coming SOON. We hope by late April IF we pray ernestly and correctly.

Zounds. Wowie. Giggles and Big Smiles. 

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Where was I? Where was I going? Got it !

Long, poignant, pause.

Bah Humbug (an exclamation that conveys curmudgeonly displeasure) ..

Medical Stuff

No one ! Not one single one of us, is getting out of this life alive.

Gullible Oh Gullible : You are NOT ALONE AND LONELY AND TOTALLY UPSET with, and at, your medical team.

I am not alone and lonely and pissed off BUT I am not 100% giddy and thrilled and excited either BECAUSE I KNOW, in my opinion, the Mayo Clinic is a Top Dog in the Medical Dog Show. 


I totally, and I absolutely will NOT, for one nano-second (one billionth of a second) consider trading my current health issues with anyone else. That friends is like “Changing Seats On The Titanic”, why bother, the entire ship is going down.

My Balance Issues.

By Balance Issues I do NOT mean Vertigo. December 12th, 2012 (12/12/12) in Lafayette, Louisiana, I went to the Emergency Room with severe Vertigo. That Vertigo health challenge in December of 2012 was followed up six or so years later during a number of appointments at the Mayo Clinic in 2018, many centered on my Vertigo challenges. But falls and falling, while Vertigo certainly can, does, and will cause falls, is separate from a general feeling I am having with plain and simple, every day Balance challenges.

I have experienced (in my own humble opinion) far (as in FAR) too many “falls”. Luckily I have “gotten off” scot-free (without suffering any punishment or injury) after a lot (as in a LOT of falls). I have fallen while using (no, not one BUT) two canes. I have fallen and broken : both of my knee caps, my left hip, my right shoulder to name the worse three of my FAR too many falls.

During my recent visit to the Mayo Clinic, and to my Primary Care Doctor on February the 22nd 2023 for my “Annual Physical Exam”, my doctor basically said, “I hope when I am (if I get there) 86 years old I am in as good a shape as you are!”

This in spite of my “boat load” of health concerns such as :  My extremely frustrating short-term-memory-issues. My deeply concerning issues of balance and some dizziness. Swallowing problems have crept into my life. I had hoped she would have dealt with my memory and balance challenges and that she would order a sleep study to deal with my sleep apnea. My Carpel Tunnel Syndrome issues and blah-blah-blah !!

Yes indeed. My swallowing problems were resolved (following a set of swallowing examinations) during an endoscopy procedure that addressed this issue on February 28th. Finally, coming up to three weeks later, my “Sore Throat From Hell” has calmed down and I am at least 95% over it. Not quite 100% because recovery IS a PROCESS NOT AN EVENT.

Yes Oh Yes Indeed. I had a Sleep Apnea study.

Both Patti and I agree on this statement : She did NOT really discuss nor get into my Balance Concerns.

Guess what Patti, my amazing Patti, found in reading her beloved newspaper, the same beloved newspaper that brought us into our wonderful apartment.

See what I mean? This Post is just jumping giddily around all over the place.

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Back to the topic of

My Balance Issues.

Guess what Patti, my amazing Patti, found in reading her beloved newspaper last week?

A long, BUT fascinating, advertisement.

So “On The Spot” we immediately called them and signed up for a session last Thursday the 16th.

And? Last Thursday, with high expectations, we were early and sat in the front row so we would not miss anything.

Gullible are YOU still with us here? YOU are not alone Gullible.

Bottom Line :  Guess What? All 25 of us were Senior Citizens.

Bottom Line : The session was just great. Interesting and very well conducted. A young therapist, Nicole, conducted the session and she was really outstanding going into details of her background and education and why she is here doing what she does.

We very well may have future appointments with this clinic but not until next Autumn. They are “booked up” for now.


As you all can see in the above photos, at least in our opinion, PRO THERAPY looks to be one, Big Time, Top Notch, Operation.

Enough is Enough is Enough. I have actually stopped far short of where I was headed. That being to share more Car Show photos from last Saturday.

Cap and Patti

7 thoughts on “MAR 20, 23 .. THE EQUINOX .. PERSONAL BALANCE ISSUES ..

  1. Gullible

    I am sure you are astute enough to be careful in signing up with that clinic. Go online and research them and get reviews. Remember that many of the reviewers might be shills.

    My frustration with my medical team continues. My occasional falls are caused by tripping over something while I’m picking up litter— usually the cut off stumps of brush. I call them pungi sticks.

    Anyway, I don’t have as far to fall as you do, being less than 5’2”.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Thanks as always, in all ways, for your valuable insights Gullible. The seminar was in a medical office in a Medical Office Building so it is in no way a smoke-and-mirrors shill operation. Further the actual therapist who works with people with falling challenges conducted the seminar and went into detail about her education and background and life history. Finally the only thing we would “sign up for” would be for a (no cost) evaluation of each of us as individuals. Then, and only then, would we proceed. BUT at this point “it is moot” because they are booked up into June. We may see them next November. Again thanks for your comment. Cap and Patti

  2. Gullible

    Ironically, or maybe it’s Big Brother watching everything, while I was browsing Facebook today, an ad talking about exercises for seniors with balance problems popped up. You might Google and look around for those exercises so you can get started before November.

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