There is a saying : I felt bad that I had no shoes or socks, then I saw someone who had no feet.

This is germane to my recent issues with my vertigo as follows :

Patti and I are planning to visit a friend here in Phoenix. A lady, up-in-her-years (translation : older than we two). We plan to see her tomorrow, Sunday the 4th of March. So I called her this afternoon just to confirm that our visit tomorrow was still a good-fit for her.

As we spoke she said the following :

Today (being Saturday) has been a difficult day for me. I had a vertigo attack that lasted for two-full-hours.

Her mention of this put my own niggling vertigo issues into perspective. I am not able to quite fathom such a vertigo event. She said she had to just sit still because there was no way that she could walk. For those of you who have not experienced real vertigo, just the so-called simple act of sitting-still can feel like you and your chair are spinning and you need to hold-on-for-dear-life.

This afternoon Patti and I were visited by a very special friend from the San Francisco Bay Area. This upcoming May, her son will graduate from Arizona State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. We have had this meeting-up together here in Phoenix on our respective agendas for several months. Snap your fingers and we had met, gone to a buffet (her son ate and we three visited) and returned here to our motel and waved good-bye. This is the essence of life. Snap your fingers and your life events pass you by.

Smiles and Joy .. Cap and Patti

3 thoughts on “MAR 3, 18 .. THERE IS A SAYING

  1. Catherine Raye-Wong

    Dear Patti and Cap, Stephen and I enjoyed our visit with you SO much on Saturday! Thank you for making the time as I was so thankful to have an in person view. It seems so long since I have seen you in person. I love that you post here on your blog, so I can follow your adventures. However, there is nothing that beats a good old fashion sit down in the flesh. Take good care! I will keep an eye by reading here as often as you post. Fondly, Kitty (and Steve)

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Nothing absolutely nothing surpasses in person live and up close does it? Me making the time? YOU are the busy one making time for Patti and me. What a handsome and most impressive young man Stephen is. Well his genetics go back thousands of years. Snap your finger and our time came and passed into the eons of time itself. Smiles from Patti and me. Cap

  2. Twitter

    Sir please make video on vertigo as I am facing severe spell of vertigo along with tinnitus and got head injuries and all so many times, right now last 10 days I m even unable to stand and walk due to spinning and dizziness .I would be grateful if you help me to cope up with this problem

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