Walk.. Your Pants..

People may not realize it yet, but avoiding walking can actually harm the body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults with diabetes need to walk two or more hours a week to lower their mortality rate. But apart from the physical health benefits, walking also has numerous benefits for the mind.

As shared by Henry David Thoreau who was searching for solitude, walking in the wild can do wonders for the soul. In 1861, he actively promoted the philosophy of pedestrianism and stated that “Every walk is a sort of crusade.”

Take Your Pants for a Walk Day, celebrated every July 27, is a fun national day that simply focuses on taking a short walk any time during the day. And no, walking on a treadmill doesn’t count!

To celebrate the day, put on your pants and head out — i.e. take your pants for a walk. So think of some fun walking activities, gather your friends, and take a relaxing stroll. Don’t forget, there are no adverse effects of walking and you will definitely feel wonderful afterward.

Walk.. Your Pants..

Walk.. Your Houseplant.. How Silly is this?

Take Your Houseplant For a Walk Day falls on July 27, you’re likely to come across people carrying potted plants in their arms or on a stroller. These are proud plant parents who just want to provide their houseplants with the very best care. Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day is a fantastic day for you and your house plants to get some exercise. It will allow you to bond with your plants, and enable you to care for them to reach their maximum potential.

On this day, enthusiastic plant growers take their indoor plants outside for a walk to enjoy additional sunlight during the summer days. Along the way, houseplants get accustomed to their neighborhood as they are exposed to new surroundings.

Walk.. Your Houseplant..

Walk.. On Stilts! Yes! Oh Yes! This next one is also very silly!

Walk on Stilts Day is celebrated on July 27 every year, and we’re going to celebrate it by putting our stilts’ walking skills to the test. Can you imagine that stilts walking went as far back as sixth-century ancient Greece? Stilts are a set of poles with foot straps used to elevate the wearer above the ground when walking. Stilts make the wearer taller than usual and are convenient for walking over muddy or unstable ground. Stilt walking is widely associated with the circus, where performers juggle and joust on stilts to the crowd’s delight. Stilts are also a common sight at parades, festivals, and functions.

Walk.. On Stilts.. Lotsa Luck Stilt Walker!

Walk with your Bagpipes..

Bagpipe Appreciation Day is an annual holiday celebrated on July 27. This day celebrates an ancient musical instrument known as the bagpipe. These musical instruments date back thousands of years and have become a part of the Scottish tradition. They have been used during battles, funerals, parades, weddings, and royal occasions.

Walk with your Bagpipes..

Get it? Got It? Good? Saturday, July the 27th is about walking!

Ginny I sure hope Tom Tiger looks this Post over! Big Smiles to you Tom!

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Cap and Patti.. 

I said in yesterdays Post .. At 7:15 this very morning (Friday, July the 26th) I will be at my eye doctor’s office, in person, asking some questions about yesterday’s Macular Degeneration procedure.

I was and I wasn’t! Patti, very correctly, said she doubted my Doctor would be in the office the moment it opened for business at 7:30am. So I left a verbal message. Around noon I was contacted and asked: Did I have any blurry vision? I said “No.” I was told “O.K. we will see you September the 10th.”

On September the 10th, I will discuss this further when I see my doctor in person.



Is it still daylight all day and night up there in Alaska?

NO! It most certainly is NOT!

WE are now over one full month past June the 20th, the Summer Solstice and  the longest day of 2024. Our days are beginning to be noticeably shorter. It is beginning to “get dark” at 11pm! 

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Yesterday we “celebrated”..

Ginny and Tom then sent us the below photo of a Very VERY HAPPY Tom about to “chow down” on (N0! Not one!) two Coney Island Dogs.

Thanks Tom and Ginny!

Then Danny 48073 “chipped in” with the below comment.

“Any proper Detroit Style Coney Island Hot Dog includes diced onions and yellow mustard on top of the Chili”!

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At 7:15 this very morning (Friday, July the 26th) I will be at my eye doctor’s office, in person, asking some questions about yesterday’s Macular Degeneration procedure.

So far I have never gotten a “black eye” from a macular degeneration treatment!

We’ll see!

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Cap and Patti