Yesterday, Tuesday July 23rd, as a National Day, we featured the below two images here on dotnet.

We also texted these two images to some of our friends in Arizona, Nevada and parts of Southern California, asking them if today (July the 23rd) was HOT ENOUGH FOR YA?

We really enjoyed the feedback we received.

Most were as would be expected. We are in Montana. We are in Idaho. We are staying indoors during the day. We are used to the heat.

Then several were “very notable” !

One friend sent the below reply!

Patti and I howled!

Ginny added the following two thoughts.

Baking cookies on one’s automobile dashboard!

Kathleen also left quite a comment on yesterday’s Post.

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Just one “Day” came to our attention but one is enough!

International Self-Care Day is celebrated on July 24. It stresses the importance of self-care as the cornerstone of wellness. On this day, individuals throughout the world are encouraged to make self-care a part of their everyday routines and turn it into a priority. It is a milestone, and an opportunity to raise further awareness of the benefits of effective self-management of health.

Significant progress has been achieved in the availability and accessibility of novel self-care interventions, and the self-care movement continues to rise. A wide range of health issues, from mental health to therapy for chronic diseases, can now be self-administered thanks to new approaches and technological breakthroughs.

Patti and I have a phrase that is vital to us. To Feel Good.. Do Good ..  

That phrase could be turned around.

To Do Good.. You Need to Feel Good..

Self-care has become incredibly important as people realize the need to take care of themselves and put themselves first. This has made people talk about it and increased the interest of others to take control of their health and wellness by prioritizing themselves. Today, we urge you to practice self-care, even if all you do is take a walk.

Self-care is a crucial cornerstone of health, and International Self-Care Day was established by the International Self-Care Foundation in 2011 to raise awareness about it. The celebration of International Self-Care Day on July 24 emphasizes the advantages of self-care that can be felt at any time of day or night, seven days a week, regardless of the season. The benefits of self-care, to put it another way, last a lifetime and are not limited to a single day. The International Self-Care Day simply provides a wonderful focus and a chance to publicize or reflect on self-care programs in action.

Revolving around a yearly theme, International Self-Care Day serves as a focal point and an opportunity to increase awareness of healthy living self-care programs all over the world. The concept of self-care has been around for a while, but it has recently received a lot of attention because of its emphasis on wellness. This can include anything from following a healthy diet and exercising proper cleanliness to developing disease-prevention strategies in one’s daily routine.

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Cap and Patti


What an absolutely perfect, outstanding, wonderful and apropos National Today “Day”, July the 23rd, politely-thank-you, laid in our laps.

As we write this Post, all our friends (and we have a batch of them) in Arizona, Nevada and some in certain parts of California, are experiencing some very high temperatures. No we won’t say all are suffering but some of them are talking about the heat!

Hot Captain? Please define Hot!

Hot is temperatures in the high teens and low 120’s!

Yes Sir Crocodile Dundee! Those temperatures are Hot!

See what we mean about a perfect “Day”for July the 23rd?

Hot Enough For Ya Day, is celebrated on July 23. Summer is slowly reaching its peak, and so is everyone’s patience with the weather.  Summer days and nights may be filled with hot and humid atmospheres with extremely high temperatures.

During this time, people tend to lose interest in their daily activities because of how overwhelmingly hot the weather is. Many also avoid going out in fear of getting heatstroke. But all is not doom and gloom with the summer weather.

You can plan interesting activities that revolve around making the most of the summer, and you can start all this by asking the question..

‘Is it hot enough for ya?’.

Here is what our friends say : “Cap and Patti, in Alaska in the winter you stay indoors correct?”

Ah-h-h no! We go down to Arizona and see you! But we understand your point!

“With our extreme high temperatures guess where we stay? Indoors!”

You could “Go North” to Flagstaff where it is about 30°F cooler! 

Many DO go North to Washington, Idaho, and Montana!

Almost all of them agree that the correct temperature to set their air conditioning systems is 78°. Go outdoors on a 115°F day and come back inside and 78°F “feels nice and cool”.

It is uncertain as to who or when the first Hot Enough For Ya Day was started, but one thing is clear: Someone, somewhere, was quite fed up with the hot weather that they went around asking people “Hot enough for ya?” for the fun of it. The peak months for summer in the northern hemisphere are June, July, and August. During these months, many countries experience heat waves and mid to high levels of humidity. Some places also go through sandstorms and monsoon rains.

People tend to avoid these summer conditions by either staying indoors or venturing out only when it becomes extremely necessary and important. As the peak of summer hits, things like heat stroke, suffocation, high blood pressure, and muscle cramps go on the rise.

So, you are stuck at home due to the weather, and you don’t feel like doing anything? You can start your day with things that will cool you down. It could be eating a bowl of ice cream or drinking a cold glass of lemonade. Swimming is another great option. For centuries now, people have been making a beeline for water bodies to cool themselves down. A splash in the water does the trick when nothing else works.

If your budget allows, you can travel to cooler regions of the world during this time of the year. Spending a few days or weeks in colder countries will uplift your mood!

Our environment helps us live and thrive to the fullest, and we can only continue doing so if we take care of it. Each year is becoming warmer and warmer than the previous one. This is bad news for the environment and its inhabitants, but the good news is we can still reverse the effects if we choose to take the steps today.

A few Tid-Bits..

2005 The world begins experiencing the warmest years.

2012 Climate Change is Real. A survey conducted by the University of Texas shows that more than 70% of Americans believe in climate change.

All of the months in 2020, except for December, experienced the highest recorded temperatures of all time.

There you have it. Patti and I will be “in touch” with our Arizona and Nevada friends today as we send them one or even both of the above illustrations.

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The sun goes up and the sun goes down. Each and every day we “check in” and see if Gullible has published a Post.

July the 22nd! Bing, Bing, Bingo! Gullible is back after a short hiatus!


Thanks Gullible for checking in with all of us!

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Cap and Patti