JUN 10, 18 .. NEAR DEATH? ..

I have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to who reads Posts on this website (dot.net) and who reads Posts on my other website (blogspot) not to mention my other two (I have a total of four websites).

To make matters worse, due to the past two months of health challenges, I have been pretty much inactive on blogspot with : 1 Post in April and 1 in May, and a total of only 12 Posts this year of 2018.

Anyway, today, Sunday the 10th of June, I had a most interesting (actually a near death) experience while out for a simple walk-in-the-woods.

IF you are not a follower of blogspot, you may want to jump over and check it out by clicking onto the below link.


So far, so very good. I am still feeling really great. In fact I can now see-my-way into making another trip to Asia. BUT, that being said, I am not going to race off and do anything suddenly. I am thinking of maybe going back over to Asia in August or even September. IF I do get back over to Asia, I will stay ‘awhile’ and that is for sure. As I write, Patti will NOT be going until her dental situation has been resolved. Then she can come over and join me. OR maybe go over with me and come back sooner than me.

Interesting. I have never been age 81-years before. I felt so down and so extremely fatigued during the period beginning March 24th and ending only a few weeks ago, that I almost had given-up-hope at ever, in this lifetime, feeling my-old-self. Now that I have ‘weathered this recent storm’, IF (and when?) another one hits me, I will know from this recent experience that there will be an end-in-sight, albeit maybe a few months away.

Smiles, Cap

3 thoughts on “JUN 10, 18 .. NEAR DEATH? ..

  1. Tom

    Cap – glad you are feeling better. Posting this from R.O. library. Saw all the regulars at noon Monday Good Shepherd – Motorcycle Dave, Kenny ect. All send best wishes. All good at this end, no news really, just good weather and lots of family time. Via con Dios Cap and Patti !

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Thank You Tom for taking the time, and for going to the effort, to keep-up here. Nice to hear that some of the members are sending us their best. We too are currently having some great weather. Talk soon. Cap

  2. Catherine Raye-Wong

    Whoa that moose was a little too exciting! So glad to hear you are on the mend, and hope Patti is doing great!
    Made it through graduation festivities, and Steve is hussling trying to land a job, preferably in Phoenix (says he).
    Can you believe Amy is getting her driver’s permit tomorrow?
    Looks like your summer is setting in. Enjoy!
    All our best,

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