“Envelope please.”

“Today’s Rhetorical Question is..”

“Cap what do you do all day?”

“Oh Lordy! I’m sorry I asked! Can I take-back my question ! “

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Below are photos of the birth of Mister Box, a New Bobbsey.

I needed a box.

I got a box.

It was a tad ‘beat up’. 

“Dad! I was Shot at and missed. Shat at and hit!” said the sad little box in the trash.

Hard to see in the first photo below but he needed some gluing and some new / fresh box tape to support / renovate him. 

The 5 liter, full-of-water jugs, are pressing down on one area being glued.

Sitting on top of the above box-renovation-project are two mini trash waste baskets I made by cutting a juice carton (on the right side of the below photo) in half and fixing it up.

All of my Team of Bobbsey’s ‘stand tall’ when called upon to perform. I needed to apply some pressure on a small area of the box-renovation.

My Bright Green Nokia Cricket ‘Smart Phone’ said, “Use me Dad!” So too did the former Gatorade bottle and a coffee cup. The coffee cup shifted the weight of the 5 liter water bottle to its bottom (on the left in the photo). Combined they really put some weight on the left side of the box pressing down on the Cricket.

When finished I had a very sturdy, ‘better-than-new’, Mister Box.

“To do what with Captain?”

I needed one, small, precise area to hold all of the items I take with me when I go out. My wallet, keys, bus pass, eye glasses, over-the-shoulder bag, shopping bags, cell phones, note pad, pencil, camera, etc. 

Before ‘Mister Box’ they were getting lost-in-the-mess of stuff living on my bed! I’d get out and suddenly find I’d left something home. “Here comes the bus and my pass is home!”

Now when I come home, I can immediately put everything I took with me, into Mister Box.

The below photo shows how I am using my laptop (running Windows 10) and the Dell Desk top (running a non-genuine copy of Windows 7) together to get photos sorted and uploaded into my photo library. Two computers with two mice. Oh My. Oh Sigh. On the extreme right edge below you can see one of my new red mini trash waste baskets.

My kitchen is loving-all-of-this-action.

I now have two, 5 liter bottles of boiled water. The yellow tape on them identifies them as boiled water. It is a waste of the more expensive bottled water I purchase for drinking to also use it for things like washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc.

I don’t know why, but it really tickles me to be living with real, down-to-earth, Mongolians (as well as when I was in Russia). Mr and Mrs Tourist never ever see what I see and how I am able to live. Quite pleased, proud and extremely happy. The double door to my room is the one on the lower left edge of these photos.

“Lord God ! I’m hungry! I feel like a hamburger !”

“Lord God ! I could eat two of these things.”

Hush Now Patti !*

Sign me as..

One of the Luckiest Men alive..


” Cap ! This is a program of honesty ! “

Private Joke Sports Fans !

Oh Captain ! You are NOT actually going to publish this are you ?

Watch me. Just you watch me !

6 thoughts on “SEP 14, 19 .. “CAP? WHAT DO YOU DO ALL DAY?”

  1. Patricia Boone

    Welcome to the family Mr. Box of Things to Go Out! You DO make DO with what you have and your ‘things’ always have a purpose!! Fun post!!! Love, Patti

    1. cap chastain

      Next-Up : I need to make some ‘end tables’ out of some boxes so I have more places to set things such as beside me when I am at the desktop or in front of me when I am eating. I also need some cardboard to extend my ‘window sill space’. I WILL get the bed straightened-out. So happy you enjoyed the Post. Again, I was ‘up rather late’ but feeling good about the Post. Smiles and Love .. Cap

  2. zilla

    Saturday, September 14, 2019 – 11:30 am
    Hi Cap,
    Your two burgers do look pretty good! I would say they look better than a couple of “mac” burgers!! Enjoy!! Travel safe!!

    1. cap chastain

      Just Look At You ‘Zilla. Successfully POSTING A COMMENT. Let me tell you ! Those burgers were excellent / outstanding / as good as a burger can get. Smiles and my best to you and kleiner bear. Cap

  3. Gullible

    Cap, where do you sleep?

    Cap, where did the burgers come from?

    Cap, will you ever run out of projects?

    Cap, that refrigerator with the TV on it? Does it work?

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I sleep on one half of the bed next to the windows. I got the burgers at the Blue Sky Hotel cafe. I don’t think I will ever run out of projects. YES YES YES the refrigerator works and I am using it. Smiles and THANKS Gullible .. Cap

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