
You may just get what you’ve been praying for.

My Jury has dashed off to meet in an Emergency Session.

Their topic of discussion is..

Today’s Rhetorical Question is..

Do I really want, am I really ready for, am I really prepared to deal with..

Life in .. The Smart Phone Fast Lane?

Back-in-the-day, back in the late 1980’s, as the personal computer phase of our lives was exploding all around us, we the Middle-Aged and we the Senior’s had a catchy-little-phrase: 

IF you are having trouble with your High-Tech gadget (what ever it may’ve been, computer, cell phone, your own mind, etc et al)  just ask your grand children also-known-as God’s Eskimos!

As you will see IF (do yourself a favor) you read the below link..

I, your Captain, now have a brand-new-to-me 30-year old Mongolian Eskimo Grand Child in my life. His name is Beck.

“Beck. Do you know about : Wi-Fi, Smart Phones, mobile hot spots, WhatsApp, Google Translate, and yaa-de-laa-laa?”

“Sure Captain.”

Now to the topic of Prayer.

Part of the Prayer Issue is this : You can be praying without actually verbally talking to God.

Speaking of God, it was the Devil himself, NOT God, who put the Ctrl Key onto all of our computer keyboards. My fingers get to flying around my laptop keyboard far-too-fast for my own good and I accidentally (noun : an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap) hit the Ctrl Key and Voila, I’ve suddenly gone (passing GO in the process) to jail. I’m looking at a totally blank screen, the one that appears when you initially sign in onto your computer, and in-the-instantaneous-process I’ve lost some text.

Where was I?

Praying without actually praying. 

Strong on-my-mind recently (as in I’ve been obsessively and compulsively thinking about it day and night) has been the issue of me not having Wi-Fi here in my apartment. My resident Dell Desk Top is running a totally unsupported and non-genuine version of Windows 7. And Yes Siree doing a fine and a wonderful job I must say! But I’m totally into Windows 10 .. Well I really need say no more.

In this obsessive / compulsive thinking about having Wi-Fi here in my own apartment (I was praying for) getting a Smart Phone and having it become a mobile hot spot.

The below series of events have been condensed and compressed in order to save you, my poor readers, from even more of this Mind Wandering. 

Enter Beck into my life.

I asked him about Wi-Fi for my laptop.

Beck and I then made an appointment one Eon (two days) ago to get together.

Translated : We met-up at the Blue Sky Hotel here in downtown Ulaanbaatar the day before yesterday, Wednesday the 25th of September, and it seems like an Eon ago.

We two then drove to the MobiCom major headquarters office for the nation of Mongolia here in Ulaanbaatar. Beck parked his car and into the building we went. GOD himself got us a parking space right in front of the building.

Out-and-off went Beck with your Captain struggling to keep up with him. Beck said .. “Cap please sit there I’ll be right back.” 

He was right back. We dashed off. “Cap meet a friend of mine Two-Show who works here.” I did and a Samsung Galaxy A10 Smart Phone was mine. And I mean it was that quick.

“Beck what’s this issue about a mobile hot spot about.”

“Cap it’s about Wi-Fi and ..” (with a silent sigh to himself ) he said..

“Cap I’ll be over to your place Friday.”

He was due between 6pm and 7pm. He called at 4pm saying I’m close to your place. 

In he came. He went to work.

“Cap you already have Wi-Fi here in your very own apartment.”

“Do you mean I didn’t have to buy my Smart Phone?”

“Correct Cap.” 

Well now that I have it..

“Beck do you know about WhatsApp? ” 

“Sure. It’ll take me about 20-minutes for me to install WhatsApp onto your new phone.”

‘Beck do you know about Google Translate? “

“Sure. It’ll take me about 5-minutes to upload Google Translate onto your new phone.”


Now I have Wi-Fi. I am sitting in bed with my lap board across my lap writing these words.

Now that I have WhatsApp.. 

I called Grant in Hong Kong. I called Nicky in Hong Kong. I called Steve in Hong Kong. I called Ziggy in Royal Oak and we talked for 37 minutes.

The (not bad but) fact about WhatsApp is that who you want to call for free MUST themselves be on WhatsApp. High Tech thing that it is, it instantly told me (showing me their names) that only eleven (11) of my fifty four (54) people in my list of contacts have WhatsApp. Oddly my very most important people in Hong Kong and in Russian Siberia all have WhatsApp. Few of my U.S. friends in the U.S. have it.

I already know how to do Google Translate. You speak into your Smart Phone and it instantly translates what you told it into a ‘zillion (and I’m not kidding) foreign languages.

“God I asked for a Smart Phone.”

I did NOT ask for a new-born infant who demands all of one’s time, day and night combined. And that is happening here. I seem unable to stop exploring little Samsung Galaxy A10. 

“Me Dad? Like a new-born infant Dad?” /s/ me Mr. Samsung Galaxy A10 Smart Phone.

I could take him right back to the hospital he was born in, MobiCom Headquarters for Mongolia, tell Two-Show to please remove his SIM card from Samsung Galaxy A10 and re-install it into my Nokia cell phone. 

And wash-my-hands of, retreat from, running like a mad-man, life in the Smart Phone Fast Lane.

Now I know, now I (for the first time in my life) fully understand just what Apps are. Apps will eat you alive. Apps will make you think that you can not live your life without them.

“What is it that you are saying to me Google Translate?” 

“How will you live your life without me?” /s/ me Google Translate

“And lose touch with Grant and Steve and Nicky and all of your Russian Siberian associates.” /s/ me WhatsApp

“.. Sigh .. “

I’m still waiting for my Jury to come back to me.

My Mongolian Grand Child Beck is here-to-stay, maybe forever.

Over And Out 

Nicky in Hong Kong just texted me .. “Put a picture of yourself into your WhatsApp profile.” I could call Nicky in Hong Kong for free and talk the rest of my morning away.

See what I mean.

Again, before Samsung Galaxy A10 again erupts with his little voice saying “Dad I need your attention Dad!”, I’ll sign off..



  1. Patricia Boone

    I HAVE seen you go into high gear on other things in our seasons together over the years. I can picture you being totally absorbed in what your new Smart Phone can do, and probing for more revelations! I am smiling at your immediate connections to Grant, Steve, Nicky and Ziggie. You are off and running, and I CANNOT, in any way, imagine you going back to Two-Show and having him take the sim card out to retire your new toy / necessity. Happy new learning curve!!! Smiles and hugs. Patti

    1. cap chastain

      Like I said, My Jury is still out. There most probably is no turning back at this stage of the game. The Google Translate is quite the thing. I learned to use it in Vladivostok. My Host Aleksey had it (I did not know at the time what he had and, now that I have IT, I know he was running Google Translate) and we used it a lot. Go figure huh? Oh My. Thanks for looking this Post over. Much Love. Cap

  2. Gullible

    Take it little by little, Cap, and you will learn the smart phone like you learned Win 10. And about those pages of text disappearing, remember the magic: CTRL Z

    Poof! It all comes back.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      IF IF IF Gullible .. The enormous, the huge, the super gigantic IF .. It has been my experience that CTRL Z fails to work IF you have made so many as one more key stroke. And when I lose where I was, sometimes I’ve already lost the use of CTRL Z because I failed to instantly go to CTRL Z and instead had continued to type. Is this true for you. OH YES. OH YES INDEED, MANY TIMES CTRL Z has worked wonders. Cap

      1. Gullible

        Ctrl Z will continue to go back as long as you want, right to the very first letter you typed.

        By the way, welcome to the global realm of Facebook. Whats App is owned by Facebook.

  3. Tom Engel

    Remember when you learned how to hit a baseball? It wasn’t quick or easy, but once you can, you never have to do the learning curve again. Same thing with the phone. Tom

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I also like the one : Remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? Or to tie your shoe laces? At age 83 your memory lets you down. I learn one day and the next am able to have forgotten yesterdays lesson learned. Thanks so much Tom. Cap

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