What to call this post?

Well, one bus ride, one day will have to be the worst one, so why not this one today?

I went downtown this afternoon to buy more stamps at the post office and to meet one of my closest associates here in Ulaanbaatar for lunch and a visit. All went well. I got more of the special stamps that I have been sending YOU and met my friend on time at 2pm and we went to enjoy a very casual light lunch at a local Japanese restaurant.


And Salad.

After lunch and an hour and a half visit, he accompanied me to the bus stop as I headed home.

THE PERFECT STORM (My Name For The Bus Ride From Hell)

What would we do without Wikipedia? I happily donate money to Wikipedia each year during their annual fund raiser.

Here were the primary factors.

1. It was cold (minus 10F) and getting colder. It is predicted to be minus 24F tonight. This simple fact means that people were getting cold and were not willing to stand-and-stand and then to stand-some-more waiting for ‘their’ next particular bus to arrive. Everyone wanted on-the-bus NOW.

2. It was a Sunday afternoon (but at 4pm not all that late) with a lot of people out. Pre-holiday shoppers? There is NO Thanksgiving holiday in Mongolia.

3. There hadn’t been a bus in some time. I myself had waited 15 minutes. So there was a crowd at the bus stop.

“Wow! I’m in luck. Here comes one of the route number 1 long blue buses.”

These ‘fair weather’ photos of the route number 1 bus were NOT taken today. I just wanted you to see what the long buses look like.

4. The traffic was dense. At best we were only able to creep along.

Just to get aboard was a hand-to-hand combat tussle. I ran to the back of the bus and was lucky to be able to force my way onto the rearmost entrance.

Then (and this was repeated at each and every one of the six stops I had to endure) the doors (notice there are five entrance doors) would not close. Time after time they would close and would snap back open. Finally one or two people would get off and we would begin to move forward. When we’d get to the next stop the same situation. People were desperate to get aboard the bus and out of the cold. I felt as if I was being crushed (because I WAS being crushed).

When I finally got to my stop it was hand-to-hand combat to exit.

I texted Patti when I got home.

“There has to be a bus ride that was the worst ever. I just experienced it. Beyond description. The crowding was awful. On a #1 long blue bus and I was near the back. My body is aching and my legs feel weak. To make matters worse, the traffic was bad and each stop was long because the doors couldn’t close. LvU Cap.”

I felt like I’d been in a rugby scrum.

I was also cold. So after a nice visit with Patti I soaked and washed my feet in warm water, put on clean dry socks, and slept for well over an hour.

Just a day in the life huh?

Well as I said above, there has to have been a worst ever bus ride and, at least to this point in time, this was it for yours truly.

I Lived To Tell The Tale .. Cap

LESSONS LEARNED : None really. I had run out of stamps so I needed to go to the main post office. Sunday is usually a low traffic day. I was not out late into the evening so the crowding shouldn’t have been so dense. I know .. couldda / shouldda / wouldda ..

Next time I may hail a taxi / or a local car-for-hire, but even they were scarce. I did not see either one as I waited for the bus.

6 thoughts on “NOV 17, 19 .. THE PERFECT STORM? .. THE WORST BUS RIDE EVER?

  1. Patricia Boone

    For your body to be aching and your knees to feel weak once you were back home, that obviously was a challenging wait for/boarding of/fighting for a relatively safe place to stand/battle to get off – bus ride. Ye-ouch! And all in such cold temperatures when I know you do not have your warm boots with you. Hope this was your worst ever bus ride and that they do not get this bad again while you are there. Sigh. Warm love and toasty hugs. Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I could not believe how I felt physically after I got home and sat down. It really took-its-toll on me. Me too, let’s call this the worst bus ride ever and hope that it’s uphill from here. Much Love .. Cap

  2. Linda "eArThworm" Patton

    That bus ride sounds dreadful!

    Speaking of stamps…your “Horse breeders” card (dated Nov. 1st) arrived today (Nov. 18th). Looking back at those intricate stamps I’ve received, I see 6 of the 10 Wrathful Deities so far…and wow, do they look MEAN!! I sure wouldn’t want to get on their bad side(s).

    Speaking of Thanksgiving…do they raise and eat turkeys in Mongolia?

    PS…”Hi!”to Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Dreadful is an understatement about the bus ride I fear. Happy that the post cards are finding their way to you Linda. There are more-in-the-pipeline headed your way. As far as I know, NO they do not raise and eat Turkeys because, as far as I know, there is NO Thanksgiving Holiday per se here in Mongolia. Patti will see your Hi right here. Smiles from the two of us .. Cap and Patti

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