National Today..

There were thirty (30) National Holidays listed for April the 25th. I felt “lucky” to see two that I enjoyed. Again, I am not saying there were no serious and worthwhile Holidays, there most certainly are, but I am not going to even begin to delve into our very human challenges.

I would give you a link to all 30 Holidays, but it would be out of date tomorrow and not applicable.

How could we not like..

At the very bottom of the photo below, it shows United States.

WORLD PENGUIN DAY.. The aim of this holiday is to raise awareness about these flightless birds to preserve their species so that future generations get to see these elegant and remarkable creatures. This day coincides with the annual northern migration of Adélie penguins, a pattern that is inherent and conserved across generations. There are eight species native to Antarctica. Most penguins are monogamous and have unique calls to assist them to find their mates in large groups. Most species lay up to two eggs in a season while the King and Emperor penguins lay only one. Alarmingly though, of the 18 known living species, 10 have been listed as endangered.

This particular celebration of penguins was created at McMurdo Station, an American research center on Ross Island where researchers discovered that Adélie penguins start their migration around this day each year. So began World Penguin Day as a way to commemorate the event and raise awareness about these creatures. This day encourages people to learn more about penguins, the dangers they encounter, their environment, and their contribution to the environment.

Penguins differ considerably in size, from the large emperor penguin, reaching heights of over three feet and seven inches, to the little blue penguin which is about 13 inches tall. Historically, giant species of penguins existed that grew almost six feet high and weighed over 176 pounds. Penguins are highly adaptive to aquatic life, with their wings that have evolved into flippers and their excellent swimming abilities where species like the emperor penguin can reach deep depths of 1,800 feet. Penguins are disguised to protect themselves against predators from above and below. Their glossy feathers hold air in them that helps to both keep them warm and help them stay afloat. These extraordinary creatures are spread all over the Southern Hemisphere, from Antarctica to the Galápagos Islands, penguins are famous for their dedicated chick hatching endeavors, cute waddles, and amazing survival instincts such as huddling to stay warm during icy winters.

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For Patti this is another “winner”..

NATIONAL LIBRARY WORKERS DAY.. Is observed on the Thursday of National Library Week, which is on April 25 this year. The day recognizes the importance and contributions of the library staff who keep our libraries running while we get lost in the wonderful books. Libraries are more than a place for borrowing books, they reflect the needs and expectations of our community. And library workers are the ones fulfilling those needs and expectations by making information, books, and resources more accessible. Libraries work because they work!

The American Library Association initiated the idea of National Library Workers Day and it was first observed in 2004. The purpose of the day was to raise support for better benefits and salaries for library workers when they had been stagnant for years.

Although libraries have been around for centuries, access to books has not always been that easy. The first public library was opened in the United States in 1833. Before that, libraries were owned privately.

Today, public libraries are an important part of the community. They provide books from all over the world on basically every topic imaginable. Librarians are the ones responsible for maintaining this catalog of history. They are the maestros of research who foster creativity and knowledge. But owing to the global economic fluctuations, their salaries have shrunk to such a low level that it has now become difficult for these careers to remain feasible.

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GULLIBLE has published an extremely short, one photo, Post. Long or short, we both enjoy Gullible’s Posts.


Have fun.

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Cap and Patti


Hi Sam !!

Patti and I wanted to share with you the comments Dalton Ross made about Episode 9 yesterday, Wednesday the 24th of April.

Here we go Sam! A series of “screen shots”.

Hunter McKnight

Q. Burdette






Sam the above “screen shots” do not show all, of a very complete interview, by Dalton Ross with Hunter McKnight. One thing for sure, Hunter knew full well what he was doing and he knew it was a gamble. He did NOT get blindsided and that’s for sure.

Sam, we hope this interview with Hunter McKnight, will give you “a good idea” of how he felt after being voted out at the Episode 9 Tribal Council.

Smiles Sam ..

Cap and Patti