I don’t think that, for one New York Minute, any of us take lightly going to the Emergency Room of a hospital anyplace. To do so here in Seattle spoke volumes about how I am feeling.

As I have been indicating in my recent posts, I am not feeling well. 

Last Sunday evening, December 8th in Seoul, South Korea, thanks to Terry and Kathy, I began to take 600mg tablets of MUCINEX  to combat a worrisome bronchial issue with my lungs.

This afternoon I decided to go to the Emergency Room (E.R.) of the Virginia Mason Seattle Medical Center and find out what is happening here with my lungs. In addition to having low energy, I am coughing up very nasty looking phlegm. I don’t want this situation to become pneumonia without me knowing this is happening.

As I left for the emergency room, Robert, my San Francisco friend of some fifty five years who came up to see me here in Seattle, solemnly shook my hand and said he expected me to be admitted to the hospital and this might be the last time we’d see one another in this lifetime.

Long story short : In additional to a hands on investigation with a doctor, two x-rays confirmed that my lungs are clear.

Happily Robert and I, along with Greg and Tsering, visited for several hours after I returned from the emergency room visit.

To name one, Patti was very pleased I sought out ‘serious’ medical assistance.

Much Joy (I am still struggling) Cap 

It was December of 2019!! Little did I know, little did I suspect, little did the E.R. at Virginia Mason Hospital know, that I had brought Covid-19 back with me from Asia. I gave “what I had to Patti” and she was very VERY sick. The Mayo Clinic E.R. in late January 2020, stood on their head to assist Patti with her 24 hours a day coughing. The Mayo Clinic did not know about Covid-19 in January 2020. This reality (that we two had Covid-19 in late 2019 and early 2020) hit Patti and I in mid 2021 long after we got our first booster shots in January 2021.


  1. Patricia Boone

    I am SO VERY RELIEVED that you went to the ER there in Seattle. As I had said, if you had been here in Anchorage, I would have taken you to the ER. I hope with getting some rest and getting over your jet-lag, things will improve. Cannot wait for Saturday when I can actually TOUCH you!! Smiles, hugs, love. Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Me too. I can not wait until I am back in Anchorage WITH AND BESIDE YOU. The ER was a no brainer for sure. I too am happy I went. Had I been in Anchorage I’d have willingly gone to the ER. Much MUCH Love .. Cap

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