MAR 13, 16 .. IS IT ?? .. OUR GIRL IN RED ??

This past Thursday the 10th of March I published a post that I myself REALLY liked. It was titled .. ‘MAR 10, 16 .. HERE’S TO .. THE GIRL IN RED’. Below is its link:

In reply to a comment from Patti I wrote:

Yes it was oh so very special. I will try this weekend to go over to the ice skating rink to see if I can see them skating and will look for The Girl In Red. I can also look for her gray leggings and her thin legs and wobbly knees. Even in totally different clothing I may recognize her ice skating ‘style’. If I do see her and if I can do it I will call her over and snap a photo of her and her companion.

A promise made is a debt unpaid .. ROBERT W. SERVICE ..

This afternoon I fulfilled my promise to myself and re-visited our local apartment-complex ice skating rink.
DSCN9796[1]The two photos below look at the East end of the ice skating rink. I WON’T MAKE ANYONE (Patti) CRAZY SAYING THE TOP PHOTO FACES SOUTH WEST AND THE BOTTOM PHOTO FACES NORTH WEST. DSCN9905[1]“YES YES YES! Out on the ice skating rink there’s a GIRL IN RED.”

“Oh my goodness! Is it her?” .. “Can it possibly be her?” .. “OUR GIRL IN RED!” .. “She is even wearing GRAY LEGGINGS!  DSCN9887[1]“Just like OUR GIRL IN RED she seems to be a little tentative .. A little unsure of herself!”
DSCN9888[1]I am going to elicit your help here. The girl I photographed in the two photos above sure looked like last Thursday’s GIRL IN RED. To help you who care to join me in finding an answer to my question below are two photos of ‘Our’ GIRL IN RED snapped last Thursday.
DSCN9741[1]IF .. The-Big-IF .. IF all I had to go-on were the above four photos .. Today (the top two) and Thursday (the bottom two).. It would be a 50-50 ‘toss-of-the-coin.

HOWEVER .. The below photos confuse the issue for me. Seeing this girl up-closer makes me wonder. What do you think? Do we have two entirely different GIRLS IN RED with gray leggings or do you think it is the same girl?
DSCN9891[1]“Well! Do you think that I have been kidding all of you about it being cold? DSCN9890[1]I feel like saying to myself .. “Captain just where have you been that you did not .. until today .. notice the ORANGE warming shed for the children?” .. “Clearly Captain it has been here all along!”DSCN9908[1]“Did you think that it was an empty International Cargo-Shipping-Container just sitting by the ice skating rink?”
DSCN9909[1]“You don’t think it is cold? When active children will take time away from playing to go inside and get warm it is cold!” .. “Do you still think it is an empty cargo container?” .. “Maybe it is one that has been turned-into a warming shed.”DSCN9889[1]Above and below .. still more photos of Today’s GIRL IN RED.DSCN9897[1]
DSCN9898[1]The time has come the Walrus said to make a decision on the GIRLS IN RED.

I have an advantage over you because I was there in person.

My jury is in with the verdict: We have two Girls in Red.

I have really studied the above photos closely. Their coats are different. The one above has a shorter coat that fits differently. Their ice skates are different. I think last Thursday’s girl is older and taller in stature.

Now for the kicker! Today’s GIRL IN RED was skating with considerable aplomb  (poise / assurance). In fact she did a few lengths of the rink skating backwards like an ice hockey defense man. I (who watched both skate) don’t think it’s possible for Thursday’s girl to have learned to skate backwards in three days.


Most of the skaters came over to investigate me when I went to the far (West) end of the rink. The GIRL IN PINK you see below you will see in several photos further below.
DSCN9921[1]Nice of the man you see in the above and below photos to give me a friendly wave of his hand. “Well hello young lady. How very nice of you to wave both hands at me. Or .. Are your ears just cold?” There’s our GIRL IN PINK.
DSCN9916[1]The young lady in the purple parka above ‘backed away’ (see her to the right of the boy in blue) below? She looks a little suspicious of me.DSCN9910[1]Now she .. the girl in the purple parka .. looks far less cautious below. More friends have come over to investigate ‘yours truly’!DSCN9912[1]The boys have backed away a little and our girl in the purple parka has come still closer. You can clearly see THE GIRL IN PINK up closely now. I am not 100% positive but I believe that .. if not all of them .. most of the children came over to study ‘yours truly’!DSCN9913[1]Here come the boys!
DSCN9903[1]The lad with the eye glasses actually spoke to me in limited English! He wanted to know what I was doing.DSCN9902[1]It seemed to ‘tickle’ him when I said .. “I am taking pictures of YOU!”

The below young lady seemed to be photographing ME! ‘High Tech Gullible? Can you use some computer ‘trickery’ to enlarge this photo and tell us what she is doing?DSCN9895[1]

I am now going to ‘back-track photo-wise’ and show you one of the above photos again. I want to re-orient you to a new series of photos.DSCN9908[1]In the foreground above and below you see the backs of some stone characters. DSCN9957[1]

Now I am going to walk past them. Turn-around a complete 180-degrees and look at the fronts of them. Below you can see the faces of the stone characters . Notice especially that in the background to the right below you see some yellow exercise-equipment.

Seeing what I see below .. I silently say to myself :

“I absolutely love being here where I am!”
DSCN9960[1]The yellow piece of exercise equipment you see above will ‘tie-together’ these photos. When you scoll down further you will see what I mean.
DSCN9964[1]In the far right background notice the teeter-totter. You will see some close up photos of the teeter-totter.DSCN9919[1]From the above photo turn 90-degrees to your right and see the below. The couple in the gazebo seem to be enjoying themselves. Ah yes .. LOVE IS WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ‘ROUND!
DSCN9920[1]Our yellow piece of exercise equipment in the below right ‘ties-together’ the above photos.DSCN9968[1]
DSCN9962[1]In the photo below we are looking back at the above gazebo and ‘slides’. The ice rink is directly ahead in the background.DSCN9926[1]Now we are going over to the teeter-totter for a look-see.

Do you all see the teeter-totter in the background on the right side of the below photo?DSCN9919[1]

DSCN9922[1]Climb aboard young man. Notice the yellow exercise equipment that we saw in many of the above photos.DSCN9927[1]WHOA ! He sure looked all-set above. Then SUDDENLY the young lad went ‘Loop de Loop’ ..DSCN9925[1]All is Well That Ends Well!DSCN9924[1]

I am 100% positive that in my time here in Ulaanbaatar and Mongolia I am missing a lot. That being said I can tell you this : The ‘vibes’ that I am getting are that these people are pretty happy with-their-lot-in-life. For some reason I get the idea that most of us in the U.S. think that we really are the world’s top bananas and that we have-it-all-over the rest of the world. Yes I could make a case that we do. IF we do I don’t think we are necessarily all-that-far-ahead of everybody.

Today’s Rhetorical Question: For so many of us who are blessed with some degree of abundance ..

“Is life about wanting and pursuing what you don’t have.” .. OR ..

“Is life about enjoying and wanting what you do have.”

Odd isn’t it! There comes a day when you see. When you REALLY SEE!

Do all of you realize daily / maybe even hourly how often I look out upon the below scene from my window here in my apartment?
DSCN9952[1]What do I ‘see’ above? The blue sky. The snow is slowly evaporating. Spring is coming. The other buildings.

Today .. Sunday the 13th of March 2016 .. Is it because of my focus on all that I have shown you above? .. Suddenly I really ‘SAW’ ..DSCN9953[1]Yet another wonderful piece of equipment for the children ..
DSCN9955[1]I really need to say nothing ..
DSCN9956[1]Could I stay here (Hong Kong .. Mongolia .. yes maybe even India) and live my life out here? Yes. I sure could.

My jury just whispered in my ear .. “Dad we need to deliberate a little longer on India.” .. “Yet-Again Pregnant Woman .. Did you just read what I wrote?  There seems to be no hope for our memories does there Yet-Again Pregnant Woman.”

“That Captain .. Eternal Optimism .. IS What Makes The World Go ‘Round!”

“Calling Lucky Lady. This is the Blessed Man. Come in Lucky Lady .”

“Do you read me Lucky Lady?”

“10 – 4 on that Lucky Lady!”

“Over And Out For Now With THANKS Lucky Lady.”

Love to All .. Cap



WHAT’S THAT RABBI DOV BEHR MANISCHEWITZ? .. Is this a kosher web site .. Such a web site you wouldn’t believe Rabbi  ..


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