As all of you can tell .. I have my ways. I get settled into routines and I like to maintain them. Traveling is one of my routines. So too is recovery. Writing posts here on-line and post cards. Finding ‘action’. Living life to the fullest. To name a few very good ‘routines’ to be locked-into! Perhaps because of my Bi-Polar disorder I am actually stuck in the routine of change itself. I can change plans ten times in a single hour! And I do!

In-the-rooms it is said we do NOT like two things. Being stuck-in-a-rut and change. Go figure that?

I find good places to eat .. restaurant(s) with (1) good food and (2) ones in which I have not gotten sick during my experience eating there .. and I return to my restaurant(s) as homing pigeons return home. Some of them change radically when a new cook comes on board.

So things change constantly.

As one ‘for-instance’ take my Post Office.

I have seen the below views as I have been entering my Post Office since last July 2015.

A nice open and spacious lobby.
DSCN4333[1]The doors into the Post Office have been open and welcoming me to come inside.
DSCN4383[1]Last week I go into my Post Office to buy and to mail a few post cards.

Whoa !

What happened to my open spacious lobby?
DSCN8565[1]The main entry doors are blocked. I cannot enter the Post Office.
DSCN8562[1]The open spacious lobby is filled with activity.
DSCN8563[1]The lady (above and below) is an independent vendor who has always been positioned within the interior of the Post Office.DSCN8568[1]A closer look at the current main service area.DSCN8564[1]
DSCN8561[1]I work my way around the blocked main entry and peer inside. Yes .. Work is underway.DSCN8569[1]

Whew! I can still post mail!

DSCN8567[1]“Oh for God’s sakes ХААНБААТАР (KAN BAATAR) get a life!
DSCN3626[1]Mount your horse ХААНБААТАР (KAN BAATAR) and ride with me!DSCN3614[1]“ХААНБААТАР (KAN BAATAR) what is a Post Office?” .. “Are we going to find a Post Office and conquer it ХААНБААТАР (KAN BAATAR)?” .. “Where do I begin with your question Oh Chinggis ‘The Great’ Khaan?”

The bus lines here in Ulaanbaatar seemingly are in a constant state of change.DSCN4349[1]New route numbers appear and old familiar friendly routes disappear snap your fingers quick.

Then get this! 

The bus route number may remain the same but the actual route itself will change! I boarded a Number 22 bus the other day and it did not go where it used to go. The same for a number 46 route. Same number different actual route.

Obviously they post little notices in Mongolian and the local people know what-is-what but my ability to understand such notices is zero.

Let’s look at the soda that I have been drinking since last July 2015 to flavor my boiled water so I drink a lot of liquid to remain hydrated. 100 ml of soda and 400 ml of boiled tap water. Just the right combination.
DSCN8233[1]My favorite soda has completely disappeared from the shelves of my supermarket.DSCN9885[1]Time to ‘move-on’ obviously.DSCN9072[1]Lord God where will it stop .. When will it end!

My BREAD .. for goodness sakes!DSCN3793[1]
DSCN0166[1]Gone from the store shelves is My Bread ..DSCN5546[1]Now, every trip to the store ..

I find a different bread .. Whoa !DSCN9065[1]
DSCN9069[1]The ‘Good News’ ?  

It is all sliced and it has all been good ! The Mongolians can DO good bread!DSCN9073[1]For today .. That is That .. I can DO change pretty well.


6 thoughts on “APR 19, 16 .. CHANGE .. CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT ..

  1. Patti

    Looks like Mongolia is putting you to the test! However, it IS nice to have all the new breads SLICED, and perhaps they are giving you the bonus of being able to try a variety. Yikes, the post office had to be a shock … I also picture it in my mind as being open and spacious. And, the flavored drinks … at least you are finding a substitute. It would be unsettling if they just had no flavored drinks at all. You speak of routines – I tend to think of you as rolling with the punches! Smiles, love, Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I have to say ALL of the bread is great. No exceptions. YES it is better being sliced. Shock is an understatement when I walked into MY Post Office. I just do NOT do plain water very well. Add a touch of flavor and GULP .. Love .. Cap ..

  2. Jeanne Follett

    Ah, change. Sometimes causing stress as one struggles to adapt; sometimes necessary to rid oneself of stress. However, there is always a new adventure to be found, much like discovering to one’s dismay that Costco has rearranged the shelving overnight and finding a treasure in new products. Sometimes change can knock away your underpinnings; sometimes change can set you off in a new direction.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Young 22-year olds with an MBA from Harvard are behind the stores and their rearranging of their shelves. It really bugs me when I am on a mission to: Get in / get what I need / and get out and suddenly I can NOT NOT NOT find the Costco Kirkland Brand Chocolate Diet Shake Drink as one just one for instance. No doubt about it CHANGE is a many sided many faceted gemstone.

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