FEB 17, 13 .. NEW DELHI .. INDIA .. MONDAY .. FEB 18th ..

This Post is dated February the 17th but I am actually writing it on Monday the 18th.

As  planned, yesterday evening a day before my trip South  I visited the New Delhi Railway Station prior to the scheduled 10:30PM departure of the Tamil Nadu Express as it was preparing to receive its passengers and to depart  for Chennai in the South of India.  The train was at its departure platform very early at 9:45PM and some passengers were already aboard.  So tonight Monday the 18th of February I will be there at the platform at 9:30PM to hopefully be among the first to board the train.  This is critical as you need to establish your space and get your baggage under your own berth.  Sometimes this is a challenge because other passengers are not shy about stashing their extra baggage in your designated space.  I have seen actual skirmishes break out between passengers over this issue!

Today should be a very easy day for me.  I am basically packed since I just came up from Agra Cantt last Saturday.   I slept .. off and on in several hour segments ..  about fourteen hours yesterday and I do feel pretty well rested BUT certainly will have time for more rest during the day and into the evening.

THIS IS A GOOD GROWTH DEVELOPMENT FOR ME PERSONALLY.  As is usual the world over .. check out time in the hotels here varies from 10AM to 12NOON.  I have taken to simply paying for a full extra day thus being able to stay in my room until it is time for me to depart for the railway station.  The cost to me of an extra day of rent is well worth it to me at this stage of the game !

So instead of having to be out of my room at 12NOON today and being forced to kill time for HOURS AND HOURS until my train departs at 10:30PM .. I just rest and relax all day in the quiet and comfort of my room.  I will leave my hotel this evening about 9:15PM.  AGAIN this costs additional money BUT  I can afford to do this and to REALLY DE-STRESS MY DAY !

Well I will call this a ‘ wrap ‘ ..

PLEASE VISIT .. bobba caps doxology .. to see an additional post and MANY  TRAIN PHOTOS !  To do so easily .. look up above and click onto LINKS .. then at LINKS simply  click onto .. My photo blog :

MUCH JOY from a ( so far very ) relaxed traveler .. Cap ..