We live in an amazing age don’t we?

Both Patti and I had completely forgotten that we had signed up (way back in the December 2016 time-frame) to access our medical records through the Mayo Clinic Patient Online Services.

Quite-by-accident I stumbled upon our Mayo Clinic online services profiles when I made a reservation for a room at Motel 6 here in Phoenix for the second week of March. When I went to my e-mail to find the confirmation e-mail from Motel 6 (which I did find and open) I happened to see the below message..

Patient Online Services Message Alert

A Mayo Clinic staff member has sent you a message or responded to your recent online message. Please log into your Patient Online Services account to review the message.

I took action to sign into my Mayo online services account and, what-to-my-wondering-eyes should I find, but the below message from the doctor who ordered the MRI brain scan procedure for me:

I am writing to let you know the results of your recent MRI scan of your brain. The good news is that there are no findings on your MRI which would account for your dizziness. The only findings were those typical that we see with aging but otherwise no sign of acute stroke. If you would like, I can send you to a neurologist for further evaluation but I do understand you have seen them in the past. Please make sure that you follow up with your primary care provider as we discussed at your last appointment. I am hoping you feel better soon and that your dizziness resolves quickly. Please let me know how you would like to proceed in terms of seeing a neurologist.

So there you have it. Good news (my brain is normal no sign of acute stroke ) and Bad news (still no solution to my vertigo issues).

Way back in March of 2017, Gullible and ‘Zilla and Andrej and I had a dialogue about strokes.

Gullible :

Good choice, your not going back to Mayo to get checked out. Yep, think how exciting your days will be, every waking thought just filled with fear of more strokes.

Ah, yeah, Patti will have so much fun watching you like a hawk, waiting for that moment of confusion, freaking out at the slightest slip of memory.

“Make mine turkey and hold the Mayo.”

Cap! Get your head on straight.

Gullible continued :

No. Doesn’t make sense at all. I would want to know. I would also want to prevent any more. Maybe something else is going on, Cap. Don’t go to the ER. Make an appointment with a neurologist and get checked, or with a family practitioner who will order a brain scan. Maybe something is going on related to surgery and maybe not.

If not for yourself, get checked out for Patti. If that night was an anomaly, so be it. If something else is going on, like an aneurysm, etc., perhaps something can be done about it. If not, at least there will be no dichotomy. You will know one way or another, and can act appropriately, as can Patti. She will also have some info if she needs to call 911 in the middle of the night. Your call.

My reply :

Jeanne I hope you read this reply. I awoke, during the middle of the night, feeling odd. No more. No less. My own brain decided maybe I had a TIA or a mild heart attack. No more. No less.

In YOUR TIA situation, YOU knew something was not right. You had something really tangible to base your conclusion that you may’ve had a problem.

I am not willing to go the ER and say, “Well, ah-h-h-h, m-m-m-m, I think something happened.” Instantly comes a brain scan and who knows what else.

Make sense? Smiles, Cap

‘Zilla :

Friday, March 31, 2017 – noon

Hi Cap,

As I have my medical issues – always in play – I kinda know what you are going thru. But what I find important is doing what I call my safety valve – that is “PM” preventive maintenance – which so far keeps me going, that is the necessary checkup and tests to keep the “body” and “mind” tuned-up to maintain reasonable good health – as you say “for what its worth”!?!

If I was in your situation I would get the necessary checkup and tests to “fix” any problems you are having – and not bury them as they won’t go away. You have the time to do that and I would think that’s better than just ignoring them.

Recently I have had a hemorrhage in my left eye, a bit scary but I can guarantee you I am getting treatment. I’m under treatment and still getting more tests.

That is the value of getting checkout by exams, etc, etc, etc. Good luck


Andrej :

I agree with the others and hope you reconsider the trip to the Clinic.
You are fortunate to have access to some of the best medicine on the planet and not utilizing this asset, I believe is a mistake.

Love you guys,

Well there you have it Gullible and ‘Zilla and Andrej, finally I had the MRI brain scan and came out clean.

Where next? Neurologist?

Only The Shadow Knows.

Thanks All Of You For Your Love And Concern

Cap and Patti


    1. cap chastain

      You are too funny. I still have an unanswered question : Why am I having vertigo attacks and what to do about it / them? Still smiling. Cap

  1. Gullible

    Cap, “stuff” frequently happens to seniors after major surgery. Patti was concerned about your memory lapses and confusion at that time. I know what happened to Ken, who had underlying neurological issues, after any minor illness or minor surgery. That’s what the scenario was at the time of the comments you quoted.

    Anyway, glad there appear to be no further issues. Be careful with that dizziness, though.

    1. cap chastain

      Patti? Did you say Patti was conerned about my memory issues and confusion etc et al? To this instant / to this very second, I myself remain concerned with memory issues and confusion (I just now reached around behind myself with both hands and YES my posterior is still attached!).

      Lord God In Heaven Above Thank You Gullible for all of your interest and help and assistance offered to me. Right now this instance, I remain a few years ahead-of-you with regards to this ‘aging process’ and its frustrating issues.

      Big Smile .. Cap

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