Odd as this may seem to some of you, with respect to our two websites, babakaps.net (which I call dot.net) and bobbacaps.blogspot.com (which I call blogspot), I have no really accurate idea of who, and of how many of you, follow our adventures.

Oh yes, YES INDEED, I most certainly do know who our, through thick-and-thin, ‘loyal followers’ are. All ten of you!

Sad-to-say, some of our very closest, some of our most intimate friends, and even family members, DO NOT follow along with us.

Here is how I (somewhat inadvertently) stir-up Patti. I just speak, what is truth-to-me.

We get phone calls from said intimate friends and family members. They say to me and / or to Patti .. “Where are you and what are you doing?”

I say / or think the thought .. “Tell them to bookmark us and see for themselves. IF they are really interested, which of course they are NOT REALLY interested or they would take the few seconds necessary to click on a bookmark.”

Patti responds .. “Great. And you won’t spend 3-minutes bringing them up-to-date on our travels.”

Now back to the heart of the matter.

Do only certain ‘followers’ read both of our websites.  Or do they read and follow just one?

To the point here :

I can NOT assume all of you following along here on dot.net also read blogspot.

I CAN assume that, when and if you read a dot.net Post, you do NOT go back and re-read it.

And, from time-to-time, I do return to an already published Post and add to it.

So, just-in-case you are interested and do not normally check blogspot, I am giving you a link to my most recent post (with 101 photos) yesterday on blogspot.


I do this because, for the last many month(s), I have only been averaging one Post per month over on blogspot. So many /most / all of you stop checking blogspot.

“Houston, we have lift off. Our Captain is re-activating blogspot.”

Of course Gullible has the answer : Why in the @#* do you have four websites anyway. One-and-Done is all you need.


OK (I promise). Over And Out (OAO) on this subject.

NO wonder your subtitle reads .. Wandering The Streets of My Mind. And with a 17-hour jet lag no less. Sigh.

/s/ Gullible

Over and Out for now.

Cap .. Patti ..


Our new Traveling Bobbseys ..

Well! One-of-you is following along. YOU noticed the chopsticks that have joined the sporks and black plastic knife on our Traveling Team. I was up late last night fixing something for Terry and needed a chopstick to do my work. So I found them in the famous kitchen drawer.

And when they had done their work (actually only one chopstick was used) they petitioned me to come along and get out of the kitchen drawer. First the one I actually used wanted its mate along. Then that pair wanted the other pair to join in the fun.


The Dinkey Bird IS Singing In the Amfalulu Tree.

Terry, Kathy and I are watching the HBO Movie, ‘Robin Williams : Come Inside My Mind’

God Bless You Robin Williams! May You Be Resting In Peace!

Captain! Just press Publish!


    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Thanks Kit for the feedback. Happy you follow both sites. I have been quite idle on blogspot for a year or so but now am back active on it. Kit I AM having fun. Each day is a gift. Two days and I’ll be back in Mongolia. Smiles, Cap

  1. Tom

    Cap – I am sitting in the kitchen @ Tim M’s home in Royal Oak,- sitting with the one & only John F. aka “Basement” John. Lucky I had a good meal – the photos of the Seoul restaurant would have been agitating on an empty stomach. You truly have friends from ALL walks of life – a Professional Stunt Man – that has to be a short list of guys ! Keep moving & enjoying, you spread sunshine wherever you go. btw – had quick visit with Andrej & David today – all is well on West Houstonia St. God Bless from your Detroit pal .. Tom

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      The one .. The only .. Taa – Daa .. Basement John. So good to hear that he is doing O.K. Tom. So good also to hear things are well in the neighborhood. In the morning off to Mongolia. Smiles .. Your Ally .. Cap

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