After writing this post, I decided that, because it is on the serious side, I would return here and show you some photos of a Christmas Tree, still up and winking and blinking in mid-January 2019, in Novosibirsk. Then when you get to the dotted line below, if you don’t want to read about some various (call them) serious issues, just stop right there after the final Christmas Tree photo.

Here we go with the mid-January 2019 Christmas Tree in Novosibirsk.

Right before your very eyes it kept changing its colors!

I shot these photos on Saturday night, January the 19th, 2019, after an absolutely exhausting 2 hour meeting the night before I took the train to Mariinsk. I was riding in an automobile, stuck in traffic, and just began to shoot these photos.

The final configuration that I photographed of the lights was really special.

A Rhetorical Question for Patti : Don’t you think this was a good idea to slip these beautiful Christmas Tree photos into this serious post? The photos think it is a good idea. It was do it now or never.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 

It IS what it IS, isn’t it? Accept it, knowing that : Acceptance does NOT MEAN APPROVAL.


Patti has a friend who’s son caused his mother to have medical attention (a broken hand or wrist) when she tried to take his smart phone or ipad away from him. The situation worsened to the point where this 10 year old boy had to be in a treatment center for awhile because of this violent reaction.

And just look below, here in little MARIINSK / МАРИИНСК .. IN RUSSIAN SIBERIA

I was actually afraid to snap the above photo fearing that the ‘flash’ of the camera might shock and disturb the child.

He did not even flinch. He did not even, for one micro-second, look up or glance at me. Absolutely no reaction what-so-ever.

Here is a link to a very interesting article about this issue of Video Game Addiction.


This link was sent to my by its author who read my Post here. Excellent article.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Speaking of addiction. As a senior citizen of age 82, am I becoming addicted to injuring myself? Or am I just stupid? Or could it be I’m becoming forgetful?

The first photo below looks down our hallway from outside of our room. As you can see, the door remains closed to prevent colder air from the reception area from migrating into our immediate area.

“What’s that ‘Zilla? Is it cold here in Russian Siberia in January?”

You open and then push the door forward to enter the reception area. As you push the door forward you have some momentum carrying you forward. In the below photo, do all of you see the brown leather couch against the wall in the distance?

Stay with me here. I know where I’m going with this.

Below is the reception area, beyond the above door, that we have to enter to go to the dining room.

The below photo was taken from the above couch and it looks back up the corridor leading to our room.

You may need to go back and review the above photos just in case you don’t understand me being addicted to injuring myself. Or being just plain stupid. Or forgetful.

In the above photo, can you see? can you ascertain? that there are two, 5 inch, steps. One at the end of the above corridor. A second one is immediately in front of you by the reception desk on the extreme left above.

Lights. Camera. Action

On our very first evening, tired from the train trip and all the stress of any travel day, tired from an exhausting meeting Saturday night in Novosibirsk, I stepped through the corridor door, pushing it forward (so I had forward momentum) and instantaneously, with no warning, dropped 5 inches because I did not know or realize this step-down was awaiting me!

Then? I immediately did the same thing as I went forward to the reception desk and totally missed the second 5 inch step.

Friends, let me assure you, that if you totally miss a 5 inch step let alone another one within 10 seconds  you risk all sorts of bad things happening to your body. You back snaps. Your hips feel it. Your knees feel it. Your ankles feel it. Your neck feels it. You could pitch forward violently with terrible risks of hitting your head. etc.

Now here is the punch-me-in-the-face line : I did the exact same thing on Monday morning! Two sudden, bone / spine / hips / knees / ankles / neck jarring jolts to my body.

The worst is yet to come.

Monday morning I was standing at the below reception desk you see on the extreme right edge of the photo.

A second photo. I was standing where you see the dark, vertical line on the reception desk.

Without thinking I moved to my left and down the 5 inch step I went. Involuntarily letting out a scream at the top of my lungs, I pitched forward violently and my momentum carried me into the far wall where I crashed. Sports fans! Five people came racing out to see what was the matter!

Whew huh Patti?

Speak about injuring myself. I’ll bet all of you have forgotten about ..

May I assure all of you that : Neither me nor my toe have forgotten about this bit of idiocy on my part! Opening the bathroom door in Novosibirsk onto my poor little toe! So far we are doing OK me and little toe. No signs of infection and no odd feelings in it.

Truth : One’s very own home is a source of life and death dangers. In fact one’s own home may be the most single dangerous place we visit on a daily basis. Three friends / close associates have died (as in dead) from a fall in their very own home.

The answer : There is no answer.


And Patti (who may be wondering if she really wants to come over here BUT knows that her very own condo IS dangerous too).


  1. Robert 94596

    One does not find steps at those locations in the U.S. Especially at doorways! So that is the problem: we are not used to steps in those locations. I have experienced some real doozies in my 10 years + of travelling out of the U.S. We are not stupid or forgetful; we just do not keep it in mind at all times, here it is rare so it does not become a habit to expect steps in those locations.

    I am very sure-footed on stairs at home, but when I am travelling I become a klutz. Once back home, I am fine. again.

    1. cap chastain

      It makes me wonder just what in the (expletive) are the designers / architects thinking (which they obviously aren’t) when they design serious, built-in, safety hazards such as these steps. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot, or are not able to constantly be-on-guard for each and for every single hazard to your health and to your life itself. When you are younger, your body can withstand jolts far better than now in our 80’s. We’re like our automobiles, not designed to last forever.

      I can shed-some-light on you being a Klutz when out of the country. You may not believe in ‘jet lag’ but it does exist and slows you down. So on many of your trips ‘jet lag’ could contribute to being a Klutz. Then you’re not sleeping at home getting the proper rest. I have no such excuse having now been over here 3 months.

      Thanks My Good Man Robert for your comment and for your interest. Your Ally since 1965 .. Cap

  2. Patti Boone

    I am glad you added the photos of the lovely Christmas tree in Novosibirsk. What a bonus to be stopped in traffic long enough to get these shots. And, those steps you tripped on, in the middle of what one would expect would be a flat floor in the hotel reception area, yikes! Glad you are not feeling the affects of those jolts. No matter how careful we are …
    Hugs. Love. Patti

    1. cap chastain

      Yes me too as to including the Christmas Tree photos! I was going through the photos of the train trip here to Mariinsk from Novosibirsk and came upon the Christmas Tree photos and suddenly it hit me to include them here at the beginning to ‘lighten things up’ in this post. You are walking in the Costco parking lot holding onto a shopping cart and bam, down you went last month in a serious fall. Much Love. Cap

  3. Gullible

    The Christmas tree is a delight….the rest? Not so much. I have fallen while standing still–once in Mexico and once in Mongolia. But, both times I was standing on pebbles that acted like ball bearings. I fall a lot while I’m alongside the highway picking up litter, mostly due to the brush that is cut ankle/shin high that stick up like little pongi sticks. I almost pitched head first into the woodstove while filling it the other night. After I filled it, and was trying to get up, my knee came down on the round handle device used to open and close the access doors….I rolled forward towards the open door before I caught myself. Dangers lurk and only The Shadow knows where they are.

  4. Gullible

    If uneven sidewalks are your bane, don’t go to Mexico. That country has an entirely different idea about public liability than the US. Mexico figures if you trip on a sidewalk, it’s your fault and not the civil entity.

    Stuff happens, no matter where you are. Do you think your mid-length focal distance might have something to contribute to these problems?

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