As many of you may know and realize, Patti has to deal with some bothersome issues concerning her back / spine. As we wrestled with whether or not she should undertake the arduous journey to travel over here with all of its implications (her back could get worse), we concluded that her back condition has been stable for several years so let’s just go-for-it.

We are taking things extremely  easy as she adjusts to the jet lag and the fatigue of the trip here. Last Saturday we went for a very short but most enjoyable walk that we will share with you in the below photos. All went well as we rested many times on park benches.

The below maps show the area of Irkutsk in which we (the small red balloons ) are staying.




The river you will see in some of the photos is the Angara River (left red balloon ) the major river passing through Irktusk.



Off we now go for an easy stroll along the banks of the Angara River on a pleasant Saturday afternoon.

“What’s that ‘Zilla? It looks like winter here?” .. “Ah ‘Zilla! We are in Russian Siberia and it is February.”

The Hotel Irkutsk is my major landmark here in Irkutsk. I can tell a taxi driver or a friend : “Please take me to the Hotel Irkutsk.” Viola! They can do it.



Our little stroll took us right past the hotel.

A photo of the Hotel Irktusk that I snapped last autumn.

Below is a photo that I snapped from the Hotel Irkutsk that shows the building (in the center of the photo) that our flat here in Irkutsk is located in.

Back to our wonderful stroll.

Below you can see Patti and on her right one of many benches along the Angara River. Notice in the left center of the below photo, the man walking his son along the top of the wall.

Is it my imagination or is the young man looking directly at me giving me a ‘thumbs up’!

“Son I wish you would watch where you are walking! One mis-step and it’s a long fall down to the level of the river!”

“Well My Dear Patti? Are you enjoying our little stroll along the banks of the Anagara River here in Irkutsk Russian Siberia?”

“Yes I certainly am!”

Below are four photos of one very attractive building located just up the River Angara from the Hotel Irkutsk. A grocery store that we visited on our walk is located in this building complex. You can see its front green facade  on the very lower left of the first photo below.

A few final photos of our walk.

A photo that I took earlier showing the same area on a snowy day.

This will do it for our first stroll together here in Irkutsk.

On one of my other websites, I just published a post that details one of my most special visits to a treatment center located here in a remote region of Russian Siberia. I hope that at least some of you will take the time to check it out. Clicking onto the below link will take you directly to the post.


Smiles from Cap and Hugs from Patti

5 thoughts on “FEB 25, 19 .. PATTI’S FIRST WALK HERE IN IRKUTSK

  1. Tom

    Looks like fairly ‘mild” weather there, hope warm spell continues & you & Patti are able to walk around the town there! btw – All good here at this end

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Mild and sunny and blue skies with a nice breeze, couldn’t be finer here Tom Detroit Tiger. Smiles and Hugs from the two of us.

    2. Cap Chastain Post author

      It most definitely IS very mild weather here Tom. Our friends who’ve lived their lives here agree and are themselves surprised at how warm it is for February even though it is almost March. Happy things are good there in the sunny climes where you are. Smiles Cap and Patti

  2. Greg De Young

    Dear Cap and Patti, Good to see you getting out , carefully. Also the layout of the groovy love pad, with Patti’s nook. All’s well. Yours Greg and Tsering.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Great to see you are still traveling with us via the internet here Greg and Tsering. We really enjoy our place here. Smiles Cap and Patti

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