When October moves in, we can no longer even pretend that it is still summer. I say this because we’ve been having ‘summer weather’ here for the last week or 10 days. Of course it may be what we call ‘Indian Summer’. Never forget that our American Natives came from this part of Asia.

I’m stuck.

Why am I stuck?*

Am I Hungry? No I just ate a proper breakfast.

Am I Angry? A little upset but certainly NOT angry.

Am I Lonely? Could be BUT not paralyzed to the point I can’t move. “Ah get off the pitty-pot Captain. Live with it Captain! You’ll get over it!”  What would I do without the kind and caring and loving support of my own mind?

Am I Tired? Could be BUT I slept ten or more hours last night. Try exhausted beyond belief Captain!

However / Howevah .. I’m not so stuck that I’m not able to follow Julia Cameron’s advice..

Julia Cameron wrote the following thoughts on Page 223 of her amazing book .. ‘The Right To Write’ .. Thank You once again Brad 49885 for the gift to me of her book ..

“When we start to write, we prime the pump and the flow of ideas begins to move. It is the act of writing that calls ideas forth, not ideas that call forward writing.”


Tidbit. Noun. A small and particularly interesting item of gossip or information.

My Dear One. And we think that in the U.S. we have all the answers.

Prune Yogurt for what-ails-you!

The guys outside of my window were busy last night. They are re-surfacing the parking lot and some of the streets.

As the sun set, and the shadows lengthened, they showed up.

Today’s Rhetorical Question : What is he doing to that black car?

More of the crew showed up.

The above road grader at the bottom of the photo is one fine piece of machinery. It has two blades.

And on into the late night they were hard-at-it.

Today’s (October the 2nd) appearance.

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, they suspect that winter-is-coming?

*I think the answer to my doldrums is that my body is experiencing a sudden and radical overnight change (October 1st to the 2nd) in the weather.

Today’s Small Miracle. A Post, made up of nothing-at-all, has appeared.

Cap and Patti

7 thoughts on “OCT 1, 19 .. WELCOME TO AUTUMN with a few TIDBITS FOR PATTI

  1. Patricia Boone

    Prune yogurt is a new one on me! The paving/resurfacing equipment looks like toy trucks from your seventh floor window!! Just like here, they are likely scrambling to get this work done before the snow flies. Good that you are paying attention to hungry, angry, lonely and tired. Trying to avoid/or deal with any of those things keeps us headed in the right direction. My heart and thoughts are with you every step of the way . . . Love and hugs. Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Too funny huh? Prune yogurt. The road grader is one fine rig. Two blades. HALT. Don’t get too Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. Sometimes all of us are just in the doldrums. I do think the weather change is a part of it. As I seem able to do, I got out and got a lot (everything on-my-list in fact) done. I can feel your support. Thank You So Much. Love Cap

  2. zilla

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 -noon
    Hi Cap,
    Aaaaah construction projects! I always stop and watch any construction project that I happen to encounter! It’s just something I’m interested in – probably since that’s what I did for many, many years both here and in Europe (several countries where I worked)! I always like to see heavy construction and equipment in operation!!

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Me too ‘Zilla. ME TOO. Especially when it is on-my-turf so visible from my window and it affects me in a positive way. I have to walk over that parking lot and it was a mess. Risk of twisting an ankle etc. Smiles .. Cap

  3. Tom Engel

    Mr. Cap – Hey buddy ! Scrolling through from newest post back. 75 cents – to get anything done AT ALL. Wow. Also like the Blaze Yellow safety armband. Good idea. A post card arrived here in NV today that you sent 9/23/19. We do save them & enjoy the great stamps – this P.Card had great picture of a man riding a BIG camel. I will send more news via e mail. Vaya con Dios- from the Mohave Desert

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Thanks so much Tom Tiger. I now have a blaze yellow safety arm band on both sleeves of my winter parka Tom. Happy you like and save the post cards Tom. Cap

    2. Cap Chastain Post author

      The safety arm band IS a winner Tom. I now have two, one on each arm. Glad you’re enjoying the post cards now that they are beginning to arrive Tom. Vaya con Dios back to you from Mongolia .. Cap

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