Now that .. My Dearest Patti .. 


Is one very beautiful Roman Numeral !!

Translation of the above : Today, Saturday the 19th of February, marks the 22nd Anniversary of Patti’s sobriety. Twenty two years of continuous sobriety. Patti’s journey began on February 19th 2000.

What a journey it has been !!

Thank You Patti for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

Much Love .. Cap and All Of Your Many Wonderful Friends And Supporters


  1. Michael d.

    Patti, my dear friend! Happy…happy…HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you endless laughter, joy and love on this most special day! Big Bday ((Hugs!)) Much xoxo!! You have been such an integral inspiration in my life and countless others. You allow us to join you as you live your life with beauty, grace, dignity and reverent gratitude! Thank you so much for being YOU and sharing your miracle with us!
    Love you endlessly,

    1. Patti

      Thank you Michael for your kind, expressive and heartfelt words and feelings. It has been, and continues to be, a blessing and a gift to walk this path with you. Hugs! Patti

  2. Kit

    Dear Patti,
    My best wishes on this important milestone! Thinking of you both today in the Black Hills. The beautiful sunrise today and reading this post give me hope for yet another amazing day.
    Kitty (and my herd)

    1. Patti

      It is so wonderful and such a blessing Kitty to have hope for yet another amazing day. Please give our love to the Black Hills and keep some for yourself! Love, Patti

    1. Patti

      No one ever told me it would be easy, but they did tell me it would be worth it . . and it has been and continues to be. What a blessing. Love to the four of you. Patti

    1. Patti

      What a blessing you are Chris .. to go back over 20 years with you has enriched my life enormously. You are, we all are, miracles to be where we are today, knowing where we came from. Loving you dearly. Patti

  3. Jeff Erickson

    Hi Patti,
    Congratulations on your 22nd birthday 🎶🎂🎶🎂🎶 !! Thanks for the Hope!, and Thanks be to “God”!!! May the Creator continue to bless you. ✌️❤️🙏

  4. Ben Barber

    Patti, Congratulations on 22 years of continuous sobriety!! Well done, One day at a Time. It has been a great pleasure to be able to call you friend. Diana and I miss you and pray that we will see each other, face to face in the future. Until then we’ll all “trudge the Road of Happy Destiny”

    1. Patti

      So nice to hear from you Ben. It has been such a gift to have the connection we have had over the years. Currently, I am not trudging, I am skipping the Road of Happy Destiny!! Smiles and hugs to you and Diana. Patti

  5. Daniel Boone

    Reading the comments above made me think of the lyrics to the song “nature boy“… The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to give love and be loved in return… my beloved sister Patti, by that measure you are very rich in wisdom… love to you and all who love you for putting all this love into the world, and Happy Today and Every Day!

    1. Patti

      The ability to love, for me, comes in great part, from being raised in a family sharing so much love along the way. What a treasured gift it is to give love and be loved in return. You, Danny, are a major part of that family love that has grown more and more dear and stronger over your lifetime! Much love and many hugs. Patti

  6. Erin Hedges

    So amazing you are! Grateful to know you and to be on this amazing journey with you! Wishing you all the best in your 22nd year, lots of love and hugs!

    1. Patti

      Thank you my Dear Erin. You have enhanced my life over the past years just watching you grow and sharing your journey. Much love being sent your way! Patti

    1. Patti

      Turned out we WERE able to celebrate my milestone with our connection by phone during the meeting. That really meant a LOT to me. Sunshine was my second meeting ever and I will always have a special place in my heart for the group and the location. It was nice to hear you chairing the meeting Pete. Nice to be on this path with you! Hugs, Patti

  7. Mary Rowland

    Patti! Congrats! So proud of you and for the example of recovery you out forth! Prayers up for your continued journey of your recovery~ one day at a time. We all have today, and today is a blessing and a miracle. Hugs~ The Rowlands

    1. Patti

      It has been inspirational to watch you and Kelly both on your journeys Mary, and to be on this path with you. Yes, today, and each day, is a blessing and a gift. Love, Patti

  8. Ginny

    My sweet Patti, congratulations on XXII sobriety, thank you for the wonderful example and the joy you have brought and still bring to my life!! Much love and many many more, one day at a times!! Website HUGS, ginn

    1. Patti

      Ginnykins, our Ginnykins .. you are a wonderful example of this program and this way of life working with all the service you do, and the messages you share. Keep on keeping on. We KNOW it works, WHEN we work it!! Much love back to you with website hugs. Patti

  9. Dan Boland

    My lovely friend Patti,
    Happy 22 years of continuous sobriety. Best wishes fora joyful day filled with much laughter and love and for all your days ahead of you.

    Thank you for being such a good friend to me. I always love seeing you in the meetings and hearing from you.

    1. Patti

      Thank you Dan. I appreciate your kind wishes. It has been a joyful day, and it WAS filled with laughter and love, one of many now, and I am certain of many yet ahead. YOU have been a good friend to US and we appreciate all that the three of us have shared over the years. We look forward to what is yet to come. Hugs, Patti

  10. admin_andrej

    Happy anniversary Patti!
    Thank you for all the wisdom and encouragement you have directed my way.
    Peace, Love and hugs.
    Your ally,

    1. Patti

      You are well worth any wisdom and encouragement that has been directed your way Andrej. WE appreciate and treasure having you in our lives and sharing your son with us as well. Love to you both. Hugs and love, Patti

  11. Eva

    Congratulations Patti. That’s a big achievement. Your a beautiful person. I am glad to have you as a friend and neighbor. Celebrate!! Your accomplishment.

    1. Patti

      Thank you friend and neighbor. What a blessing it has been over the years to know you have been close in the same building! I celebrate the gift of each and every day in this blessing of a life. Love, Patti

  12. JimH

    Congrats celebrating 22 years! You are a great inspiration, beautiful person and prime example to many regarding “I want what she has/is.” Have a wonderful day, Patti. I look forward to seeing you and hearing you share.

    1. Patti

      Jim, Jim, Jim .. YOU have been an inspiration yourself over so many years with your dedicated, steadfast and on-going service. We did have a wonderful, wonder-filled day. We also look forward to seeing you again at Dry Dock and sitting in yet another meeting with you. Hugs, and, thank YOU!! Patti

  13. Walt

    Twenty-two years, what a miracle!!! Congratulations Patti!

    It would appear you are far from forgotten along your journey of sobriety based on the number of those who wish you well.

    Thanks for sticking with it. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your example of sobriety in action.

    May this day and each day of your 23rd year be your best yet. May you not let thoughts of the destination distract you from the adventures found in the journey. May you be surrounded by those who love you and love all who surround you. And May God continue to bless you in every aspect of your life.

    1. Patti

      Wow Walt – what a thoughtful, thought-filled comment!! I consider every day a miracle, let alone 22 years. I treasure walking this journey with you and all the others here today who have wished me well. I could not have done it without all of you. I AM glad I have stuck with it .. it is a life that humbles me with its gifts and the blessings of each and every day. I love the adventures found in this journey!! Smiles and hugs, Patti

  14. Michael Troy Farleigh

    Happy anniversary Patti!!!
    Your Spirit and Light is felt each and every day from all that you have touched. Sobriety is a gift Patti. And when we are in your presence we feel and understand it much better. You help us enjoy our sobriety and for that we are very grateful!! Thanks

    1. Patti

      Thank you Michael. I admire watching and benefiting from all the service that you do in this program. Yes, sobriety truly is a gift, one I treasure and do not take lightly at all. I am grateful to have you and all the others on this journey with me. Hugs. Patti

    1. Patti

      Every day seems to be an awesome event on this journey. I am so grateful to have stayed the course and met others like you along the way. I admire your courage and tenacity. Keep it up!! Love and hugs, Patti and Cap

    1. Patti

      Tom, how can I ever even begin to express all the gratitude Cap and I have for all the MANY loved-filled things you have done for us. This program brought us all together and for that, we are deeply grateful to AA. It is now the memories and the love we share that keep us close and in touch as we greet and treasure each day. Thank you for being in our lives. Love, Patti and Cap

  15. Ayla J

    Dearest Patti, thanks for sharing today and all the days. You are bright spot in my day and my sobriety. Wish you all the best. Love Ayla

    1. Patti

      Ayla, Ayla, Ayla … the gift from you of a Big Book at my very first meeting was something I shall never forget. And, your words, “Come back tomorrow” brought me back the next day .. to three meetings no less. You have been an inspiration and an excouraging example every step of the way. I admire your continuing service and presence that has kept the message(s) flowing. My love to you and John. Patti

    1. Patti

      I, too, am happy for all that life has brought to you Gullible. It is a treasured gift to have had your friendship for well over 50 years. More happy days yet ahead!! Love and hugs, Patti

  16. Alison K

    Beautiful! Turning 22 in ’22 is a great thing! Love you tons, and so grateful I get to walk this journey with you. You are a lovely part of my life. You are making this wellness example part of what makes that “Attraction not promotion” so real. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    1. Patti

      Alison – Turning 22 in ’22 has, of course, happened one day at a time, with each and every day being a blessing and one more day stepping ahead instead of falling back. You set a very good example for me to follow and you have made a difference in my life. Thank you for your sponsoring and mentoring!! Love and hugs and blessings to you Dear One. Patti

    1. Patti

      Love your greetings from Lompoc Larry and Patty. Brings back some very nice memories of sitting in meetings with you there. Hope you are both well and flourishing. Love and hugs. Patti

    1. Patti

      Thank you to two of our all time favorite people. Fun to have shared some of life with you! We are always hoping and praying for the very best for you both. Love and hugs, Patti

    1. Patti

      Gosh Linda .. it is always DELIGHTFUL when we you appear with a comment on Cap’s website. You have been a very faithful follower over several years now and it is great to be in touch. Thank you for your kind congratulations. This life is a gift because of people like you appearing!!
      Hugs, Patti

    1. Patti

      Thank you Shelly for all you have so gratiously done for the two of us over the past years. It is always such a treat to see you when we are down for Mayo Clinic to dust us off again!! Love you back sweet friend. Patti and Cap

  17. Aloysius

    How exciting for your 22 years anniversary of sobriety One day at the time
    You earned it well,, be neat to hear how you did it,, story of your journey
    Biggest hugs lotsa loves to you; Patti and Cap… Aloysius Esther Family

    1. Patti

      Aloysius – you bring such joy and pleasure into both Cap’s and my life. You are such a gentle soul and you carry that with you to all you meet along your daily path. We are gifted with your friendship. Love to you, Esther and your family. Patti and Cap

  18. Jeffery Binegar

    Hea sunshine another year sober what an amazing thing going on who would of thought you look good girl keep up the good work and I love ya always 🎉🥳⚘⚘🙏🙏👍🤠🌞

    1. Patti

      You have been a constant and big part of this journey Jeff. We have always been delighted to see you in meetings .. and with some great visits outside of the rooms! Look forward to seeing you back in Alaska. Love, Patti and Cap

  19. Patti

    Thank you Steve for your kind wishes and congratulation from the other side of the world. Wish we could come see you, but we just keep hoping that will yet be in store for us sometime in the future. Thank you for all of your help and kindness in the past. Gratefully with love, Patti and Cap

    1. Patti

      Sergey – I will send you a reply via Whatap also, but, thank you here for your greetings from you and Rimma, We wish both of you the same – health, serenity and happiness. And, oh my, we would love to be back there in Siberia visiting with you! Hugs, Patti and Cap

    1. Patti

      Matthew – Thank you for your comment and sentiments. It is so nice to be on this path with you and to have stayed in touch over the years. Peace, love and health to you and your family as well. Patti and Cappuccino!!

  20. Kelly V

    Dear Patti, happy 22. You are an inspiration and example to me and my Young Sobriety and I am always deeply honored when you remember my anniversaries and my birthdays and you are just amazing and I love you so much. Happiest of happy birthdays!

    1. Patti

      Kelly, Kelly – our bright light Kelly. Thank you for your comments. It has been inspirational to watch YOU grow and find new joy and peace in your life. We love you and always enjoy seeing you when we are home, and keeping in touch when we are out of Alaska! Hugs!! Patti and Cap

  21. Elizabeth Cobb

    Patty I’m day late but then again as we say it’s never too late. And we are never late for a meeting. Congratulations on 22 years of continuous uninterrupted sobriety. I know you’ve had a most interesting adventure on this path and I am so grateful our paths crossed along the way. Thank you for friendship and fellowship. Love Elizabeth

    1. Patty

      Congratulations Patti and Happy22nd Anniversary. What a great accomplishment you have achieved. It is always a pleasure seeing both you and Cap. It makes my day.

      1. Patti

        Patty – I cerainly appreciate your leaving a comment here. We always look forward to seeing you as well, and deeply appreciate all of the help you have given us along the way and over the past five years!!

    2. Patti

      Oh Elizabeth – So nice to hear from you! Nothing is ever too late .. life comes as it is meant to come. My life has been a most interesting adventure, and especially since being on the path I am on now. What a gift and blessing!! I, too, am grateful our paths crossed along the way. Although we do not see each other or talk very often, I always feel like we just pick up right where we left off. Smiling and sending love and hugs. Patti

  22. Eryn

    Congratulations to my dear Aunt Patti for your 22nd birthday!! I can’t express the great impact you’ve had and continue to have on my life. Thank you for being you and shining your light on us all. Endless love and hugs to you!

    1. Patti

      My Dear Eryn – You inspire me each and every day, feeling surrounded by your love since the very day you were born! Nor can I express adequately the impact YOU have had and continue to have on MY life and which brightens each of my days. You have such a bright and loving light all of your own and it has made many days “Rainbow Days” for me. On-going love and hugs to you!! Aunt Patti

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