MAR 22 / 23, 22 .. HELP US OUT GULLIBLE ..

Gullible is a bird watcher extraordinaire .. We need to know what this common waterfowl we are seeing here in the Lake Havasu Arizona area is Gullible. Solid black with a very pronounced white beak. Can you make one out in the below photos Gullible?

Thanks Gullible. We KNOW that YOU WILL KNOW. Cap and Patti

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From our loyal and trusted Ally .. The one the only .. Loran ..

Today (at least for myself) I needed to read this sage advice.

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This was a dark and extremely challenging day for me despite getting out to sit with Patti along the London Bridge Beach channel for a pleasant visit, then going to a 5pm meeting afterwards, and then enjoying Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy followed by a nice dinner.

And ??

Friends of Bill.. I have published a Post on

Smiling through it all .. Cap and (always smiling) Patti

Published at the end of the day, today the 22nd of March 2022 ..

9 thoughts on “MAR 22 / 23, 22 .. HELP US OUT GULLIBLE ..

  1. Gullible

    Looks like an American Coot, Cap. There is a free app you can get on your smart phone called Merlin ID that will help you ID a bird. Check it out.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      You Gullible are our ‘app’ to identify birds. How often I ask you have we asked you to identify a bird? Smiling .. Cap along with Patti.

  2. Gullible

    Also, Arizona and the southwest are rich in bird life. might be time to up your game by getting a DSLR camera with zoom lens.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Thanks so very VERY MUCH Gullible for your comment and confirmation they are Coots. Dear DEAR Gullible, your Captain simply is not going to get into bird watching let alone lugging a more expensive camera and heavy zoom lens around. Again thanks for giving us your valuable input. Cap and Patti

      1. Gullible

        Seriously, Cap. Check out the Merlin ID app. It’s free. Take a photo of a bird and Merlin shows you three possibilities right away.

  3. Eryn

    I am curious about this Merlin ID app…how close up of a photo does it need to be to work? I may need to check this out. Do you know of a good app that can identify a bird by it’s song?

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I will have to get in touch with Gullible about the Merlin ID app and go from there. Your Aunt Patti and Cap

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