I could title my experience with my two tours here in Ooty as .. The Tale of Two Cities ..

On my first tour .. last Wednesday .. April 24th .. I had excellent chemistry with the group.  In fact I was almost welcomed into the family from Bangalore!

On the second tour .. last Thursday .. April 25th .. I had ABSOLUTELY NO CHEMISTRY WHAT-SO-EVER with even one single person on the bus.  The tour itself was a ‘wash’.  I got little or nothing from it.  I am NOT sorry I took the tour. It was an ‘outing’ and I enjoyed that phase of the day.

But in comparison with Wednesday’s tour I simply got very little out of the tour.

No human being has a choice as-to-how-they-look.  That being said .. you have a CHOICE to do what you can do with how you look.  One man in particular had bad mismanaged hair (so wear you hair short) that wanted to go in all directions at once and a miserable scraggly beard (so wear it short also) and further he was extremely aggressive.  The seating on the bus was a single seat on the left side of the bus and two seats across the aisle on the right side of the bus.

I sat in the front and he and his wife the same.  I was immediately beside the exit door to the left in front.  When we would stop he would instantly and aggressively cut across in front of me to beat me off the bus.

I just ‘let it all go’ and relaxed.  I was NOT going to compete with him or anyone else on the bus.

As the day was winding-down .. it was late afternoon .. I noticed that he had gotten something stuck in one of his front teeth.  He was so annoyed by this that he was actually using the edge of a paper bill (a 500 Rupee note) trying to slide the edge of the note between his teeth.

I pretty much ALWAYS carry with me dental floss.  So I got my dental floss out and handed it to him.  WELL!  He had absolutely ‘no clue’ as to what Dental Floss was!  So I pulled a piece of floss out and showed him what to do with it.

Of course that-did-the-trick instantly to free whatever was stuck in between his teeth.  His wife examined the floss and wrote down some notes about it.  And they BOTH were extremely grateful for my assistance.

We did NOT become-friends-for-life but it certainly did ease the tension that I was feeling around him.  In fact he fussed and he fiddled with his piece of dental floss the rest of the time we were on the bus. I HAVE NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that he will remember me the rest of his life.

Back in October of 1994 in Akron, Ohio, Patti and I heard a speaker that changed our lives.  Jerry Berkeley from Cleveland, Ohio.  He would speak for five minutes .. stop .. utter the below phrase .. and continue for five minutes .. stop again .. utter the below phrase .. and continue.


Rest in peace Mister Jerry Berkeley .. YOU changed my life for the better!

As you read this .. I will be riding the mini-bus from Ooty back to Kodaikanal in western Tamil Nadu in southern India.


I have some peanut brittle stuck in my teeth .. where is my floss!

With Joy .. Cap