MAY 29, 23 (1/2) .. MY FALL .. MAY 27th .. THE “REST OF THE STORY”

MAY Just in case some of you have not heard of Paul Harvey, he was a famous American Newscaster.

He also had a separate program, conceived and produced by his son, where he would narrate a story to a certain point at which time there would be an advertising break. 

After the break he would say, “And Now The Rest Of The Story”. He would then continue and when finished he’d say : “And Now You Know The Rest Of The Story”. It became an absolutely fascinating, do-not-miss show to hear daily.

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Now we begin The Story.

Sunday, May the 28th, 2023

I realize many of you are not able to check our website daily. So IF you have not read yesterday’s Post, that details a very bad fall that I experienced Saturday, May the 27th, and IF you would like to take a look at it, please click onto the below link.

If you haven’t seen the above Post, the below photos and narrative will mean little or nothing.

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We NEVER know .. When we will meet a new friend.

This afternoon, Sunday the 28th, Patti and I took a walk over to our local Sitka Street Park where I took my bad fall yesterday.

As we two were walking into the park, a young man across the park waved at us and then enthusiastically came over to visit with us. And that is how we two met a young new friend. Just like that. You NEVER know do you?

His name is Gavyn.

Gavyn, a very likeable young man, like Patti and myself, is a Virgo. He was born on September the 9th, 2011, so he is 12 years old.

Gavyn was born in, and grew up in, Louisiana. He and his father came North to Alaska two years ago.

Like a lot of people, his father has fallen on hard times. Gavyn and his Dad are living in our local, Salvation Army, McKinnel House, an emergency shelter for Single Parents with Children, and Couples with Children.

Gavyn wanted to show us his prowess on the Sitka Street Park Climbing Rock.

So off to the Climbing Rock Gavyn dashed.

Gavyn was really pleased with himself, sharing his skills with us, his brand new friends.

And Now??


In yesterday’s Post I wrote : As we two were walking on an asphalt paved walkway, a young man, age about 12 or 13 years old, was coming our way on a skateboard. Patti stepped to one side of the paved walkway onto the grass to get out of his way and I stepped to my right but not off the walkway.

Suddenly his skateboard was under my left foot and in an instant, as I unwittingly stepped onto his skate board, my weight upon the skateboard caused it to shoot away from me.. and..


The young man began to profusely apologize. He and another young friend reached out to help me up and were successful. 

The young man on the skateboard was Gavyn! He felt so bad about yesterday that he came to Sitka Street Park today just hoping against hope to see Patti and me so he could again profusely apologize for causing my fall yesterday. Isn’t that something special?

This is why he was so excited when he saw us walk up and came immediately to greet us.

We NEVER know do we?

Gavyn also shed some light on what happened yesterday. As he came toward us, and passed us, his skate board immediately hit a patch of uneven concrete and caused him to fall. As he fell, his foot pushed the skateboard behind him and I unwittingly stepped upon it and DOWN I WENT.

Below is a photo of where I fell. Patti is standing where she stood as Gavyn approached us.



Cap and Patti

In Part 2/2 below, we pay homage to our Military Veterans who died defending our freedom. Please continue to scroll down.

4 thoughts on “MAY 29, 23 (1/2) .. MY FALL .. MAY 27th .. THE “REST OF THE STORY”

  1. Ginny

    My dear Cap and Patti, my heart is truly touched by your story! God bless you and Gavyn! Love, prayers and BIG HUGS, Ginny ❤️

    1. Cap Chastain

      Day 2 with Gavyn was a very tender encounter. We got to know him as a very polite and thoughtful 12 year old. Thank you once again Ginny for following along with us as busy as you are. Tomorrow off to Las Vegas Airport with Tom at o’dark o’clock in the morning!! Cap and Patti

  2. Kathleen

    Oh Cap! I fell behind so had quite a few to read so I could be up to date. I do love the post about the White Castle wedding. But more importantly, I love the part where you said you didn’t have any serious injuries from the skateboard mishap. Gavyn seems to be a sweet young man, to have returned to the “scene of the crime” to see if you were able to come back. I’m glad you were able to make it back to the park. I hope you aren’t too stiff and sore.

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      Kathleen we truly understand that you can’t check each and every day for posts from us! Happy you liked the White Castle Wedding Posts. Just a few, call them minor, aches and pains BUT I could have, and I did NOT, die on the spot. Gavyn was a delight. Smiles Kathleen.. Cap and Patti

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