During my recent January 28th, 2013, to May 21st, 2013, trip to India and Hong Kong .. I had no problem keeping my two web sites active. Now that the trip is over I really want to keep this .. my Dot Net web site .. alive and active.  I may not publish a writing or post photographs daily .. but I want to do so periodically to maintain and encourage interest in this site.

So with a little encouragement from Patti I have decided to begin this endeavor by posting a few .. what I will call .. MEMORABLE PHOTOS from my travels.  They may be photographs of people .. they may be photographs of scenery .. they may be photographs of traffic .. they may be photographs of food .. but they will be memorable to me and they will be photographs that I want to share with you who are interested.

Can any of you who saw the below photo of her back in the late Autumn of 2011 forget the little girl from Mother Teresa’s home in Calcutta.  As a society we need to have her grow up and participate in life.  Who can possibly doubt or be skeptical or cynical of Mother Teresa’s on-going work!

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And how about the young man you see in the photograph below that I photographed in the basement restaurant of my Pawan Hotel in Agra Cantt.

006I live with these and so many other beautiful images etched-into-my-memory.

THANK YOU ALL for being-with-me to share this joy.  Cap