OCT 11, 11 (3/6) .. For What It’s Worth

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And the band played Waltzing Mathilda..

Last Friday when I left the internet cafe here immediately across from Mother Teresa’s Mother House..  I WAS greeted by a marching band and a parade ..

The second photo in from the top left is of the band.. strong on drums.. they were just pounding away .. behind the band.. third photo from the left.. came the lead vehicle with its SIGN proclaiming who and what the parade was about..

What the parade was about was this.. they were taking these DURGA PUJA idols to the Hooghly (Hugli) River to celebrate the IMMERSION CEREMONY for the DURGA PUJA idols that were in their community Festival .. after the Festival all of the idols are taken to the river and placed into the river.. about nine (9) THOUSAND idols are estimated to be IMMERSED into three rivers ..

The one photo in the lower row is of two idols.. the remaining two photos in the top row.. the extreme left and extreme right .. are of DURGA herself..

In the photo on the extreme right ..  you can see a young man with an INCENSE URN holding it up to DURGA .. and in the other photo (top row extreme left) .. you can see the crowd of people riding in the flat bed truck with DURGA .. at the left edge of this photo you can see the parade ahead of this.. the last truck in the group .. I expect it is some honor to be able to RIDE WITH DURGA in her truck ..