As some of you know, I, Your Captain, have been struggling with life in general. In fact I consider myself to be in a depressive episode. The first in several years that I will admit to. Of course I was in one a year ago as I was recovering from having my left hip replaced down at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. But that doesn’t count simply because one surely has good reason to be depressed at a time such as that. You know, life threatening blood clots in my right lung, blood thinners, etc et al. In my most recent Post here I said .. I may be vegitating but I am NOT yet a vegetable. Well just when the two of us badly needed it, we just had a divine day. 

Once in awhile, who knows why, everything ‘fits together’ as if ‘divinely ordained’.

BUT first, to start our ‘divine day’, at 8:37am, I took my once-a-month dosage of Risedronate for my male osteoporosis. This is not a good way to begin one’s day. I take the blue, 150mg, Risedronate pill with 12-ounces of tap water and my life depends upon NOT laying down for several hours. Nor eating anything for several hours after I take it. Taking no medicines nor minerals (especially calcium) until later in the day.

Here is my regimen : 15-minutes on our treadmill. 10-minutes of walking up and down our 4-flights (7-steps each flight) of hallway stairs. Then a 5-minute walk outside to cool down and then again what I just did.  15-minutes on our treadmill. 10-minutes of walking up and down our hallway stairs. Then a 5-minute walk outside to cool down. This accounts for one full hour of standing vertically. Now I can relax a little so I do some more treadmill walking, stair step climbing, and, standing in the kitchen, do some projects or stand at my laptop and surf. At the two hour mark I can relax. It looks like I will not die quite yet from my Risedronate. After all, this the the 12th-month I’ve done this regimen and I am still here.

The Risedronate directions say simply : After taking Risedronate, do NOT lay down for 30-minutes. NO food for a minimum of 2-hours before or 30-minutes afterward. My Mayo Doctor said do not lay down for 1-hour. The rest of the above regimen I have invented on my own. In nice weather I just go for a 2-hour walk. Simple huh? Not in the dark of an Alaskan winter however because of the snow and ice everywhere. Not even to a shopping mall that opens at 10am because the Risedronate is to be taken the first thing in the morning.

Drama : As I was completing the above Risedronate regimen, a maintenance man we had called visited us to discuss several items. We had a shooting in our building last Saturday, and I want a security chain affixed to our condo entry door.

Patti and I ‘made our list’ and about 11am out-and-off Patti and I went. To the Post Office to check our mail and to post mail. Then to Patti’s dentist for an issue that came up in the early morning. Then we visited our condo property management office to discuss the ramifications of Saturday’s shooting in our building. A man was cleaning a loaded rifle and it fired damaging the apartment of a friend here in the building. Had she taken one more step she would have been shot and perhaps killed. You can’t imagine how upset Patti and I are over this because the shooter is above us and the shot could have come down into our condo.

Then (this was a REAL biggie ) to the Alaska State Dept of Motor Vehicles where I was able to successfully get my driver’s license renewed until year 2023 (?) I believe.

Photos Captain. Puleeze Captain. Photos.

Then off we went for lunch at Charlie’s Bakery and Chinese Cuisine to join Patti’s niece and her Man.

There is no table service at Charlie’s. You place your order at the below counter.

Charlie’s Baked Goods.

Below is the ‘menu’ for Charlie’s.

Do you see Patti in red on the left edge of the below photo? The order counter is on the right edge of the below photo.

The order counter, the menu board and the bakery counter shown in the above photos are more clearly visible in the next two photos below.

We are now at our table.

Steamed Dim Sum and Egg Custard Pastries.

Thai Curry Chicken with white rice.

Kung-Bou Shrimp.

Do you need more spices? Step right up and help yourself.

After the great lunch and visit, Patti (this too was a biggie ) had to go to the office of The Alaska Electrical Trust Funds to sign formal paperwork required each year to certify her ongoing eligibilty for her Pension. This accomplished we went to Home Depot to purchase a security chain for our condo entry door.

Then to an electrical supply store to purchase some long life LED bulbs.

Then? To our optical shop where each of us ordered and were fitted for new eyeglasses. While we waited for our orders to be completed, we two went to a one hour meeting and back to pick up our glasses.

Then home to call-it-one-fine-day.

Each day I take the Risedronate I have some odd side-effects. So I was bushed and went to bed.

As I am saying, I may be vegetating but I am not yet a vegetable.


Patti and Cap

4 thoughts on “JAN 12, 18 .. OH WHAT A DAY PATTI AND I JUST HAD ..

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I only do the workout I detailed on the once-a-month day that I take the Risedronate and only here in Anchorage in the winter. Usually I just go for a long walk outside but not here in the winter dark and cold and not to a large shopping mall because they don’t open until 10am. THANK YOU in specific for giving Patti the treadmill!! Cap

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