Each foreign visitor to Russia is required to register their whereabouts in each and in every city they visit and stay for a few days. When I visited Ulan-Ude in August of 2017, I was there in Ulan-Ude in specific, and in Russia in general, for just three days. We (Deegi from Ulaanbaatar and me) inquired with the authorities when I was in Ulan-Ude, and we were told not to worry about this requirement with my stay being so transient and brief. And it all worked out fine when I crossed the border leaving Russia and entering into Mongolia.

Leaving the country is where the problems will arise if indeed they are going to arise. I got body-slammed for a visa irregularity in Dubai that cost me over U.S. $500 and contributed to my experiencing a broken left hip when I left in November 2016.

This trip is going to be very by-the-book to the max. I entered Russia planning to stay, more or less, indefinitely. So in Irkutsk, Sergey, Mike and I did the deal and I was formally registered as being in Irkutsk at the invitation of Sergey. In Kyzyl we again did the deal and I was registered there as having been invited there by Lida.

I told Mike when we were about to come up here from Kyzyl to Abakan that I wanted to register here a.s.a.p. making it our number one top priority.

We got here yesterday and we registered me here today. What a deal it was. It took somewhere around three hours of waiting in queues to do the deal. Now that it’s a done deal, it seems to downplay the angst that the three hours were as we lived them. I felt uncomfortable that, on my behalf, Mike and Alexander (who formally invited me to Abakan) and Denis (whose property I am going to be residing in), each had to devote their afternoon to this activity but it is what it is.

Then Mike and Alexander and I visited Tele2 to get one of my cell phones recharged with money. This took about 30 minutes.

Then home to our flat. I ate dinner here. Lay down for a 20-minute ‘power nap’ and it was time to stand and deliver.

By the time the curtain went up, it was standing room only. The meeting lasted only a few minutes short of a full two hours.

Man Oh Manischewitz! They are really into the group photos. Only about half of those in attendance got into the below photo.

Man Oh Manischewitz! These kind folks love their ‘munchies’.

To some large extent, I felt like I was looking into my own eyes back in the 1950’s.

The party’s over! It’s time to call it a day.


Above is a photo of the high speed Wi-Fi Router that is enabling me to be on-line here IN my flat.

Thank You My Dear Patti for cleaning this up.


A few Abakan photos for you all to peruse over on blogspot :

2 thoughts on “DEC 18, 18 .. FOLLOWING THE RULES .. TO-THE-‘T’ ..

  1. Patti Boone

    Quite a long wait to get ‘registered’ in Abakan, but at least it is behind you and can now be off your mind. The room where your meeting took place is a very pleasant, warm looking room, and the attendees appear to be eager and welcoming. This seems to be a nice start to your Abakan stay. And .. it is HUGE for you to again have internet access in your own room. Yippee! Smiles and Hugs. Patti

    1. cap chastain

      It was a REAL ‘push’ to get registered here in Abakan!

      I was told / I got the idea, that the meeting was going to be held in a cafe ( Кафе ).

      This is how I learn the alphabet. In the word cafe, you see this cyrillic letter : Ф is the upper case F .. ф is the lower case f ..

      This is the second cyrillic letter that I’ve learned this trip : Ш / ш is the sha sound as in Shagonar ( Шагонар ).

      When I walked into the ‘cafe’ it was a room full of people. It was crowded. I walked out. There was no other place in the cafe. I went back in and saw it was the meeting location indeed.

      You are 100% correct. Both the room and the people : Friendly and on the edge of their seats. Exceptional questions from many people.

      We do it again Wednesday! Same room in the same venue.

      Much Love .. Cap

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