“We are here!” .. ” After all of the heat (Novosibirsk and Mariinsk were right at 0°C / 32°F) that we’ve been having, today’s arrival temperature of -20°C (-4°F) really felt great to yours truly.”

“Students please listen up to me.” .. “Thank You ‘Zilla there in the back row.”

“In the Russian cyrillic alphabet this lad : Й sounds out as an I.

“Please say Thailand  for me.” .. “Now please just say ‘Thai’ or even ‘Tie’

“Great. We’re halfway there.”

“In the Russian cyrillic alphabet, this lad : Ш ‘sounds out as’ .. sh .. as in sh all.”

“Here we go. ТАЙШЕТ ‘ sounds out as’ THAI SHET .

Google Maps has got the English word for ТАЙШЕТ wrong when they write it TAYSHET.



It is NOT the sound of Tay that rhymes with Hay. It is the sound of Thai that rhymes with pie.




The Taishet Railway station is very nice.

The railway station is very close to our hotel. Lets call it 100 meters. As you’ve already seen in the above photos, this morning it was an invigoratingly brisk -20°C or -4°F. Love it.

Attitude. I’m beginning to get a positively bad attitude about stairs. These railway platform access stairs you see below I had to navigate back in Mariinsk and they are ‘starting-to-get-to-me’. It’s not just some stairs we have below. They’re snowy and icy stairs that are life and limb threatening.

Into my hotel I come! Will all of you look what awaits me. Our room is up on the 2nd floor and there is NO elevator.

“What’s that ‘Zilla?” .. “There are 27 steps ‘Zilla. Three landings, nine steps each landing.”

Clean modest room for 3,200 Russian Rubles (US $47.76). We were then charged a one-time extra 800 Russian Rubles (US $11.94) because we booked our room with a telephone call. I know, it’s only another twelve bucks BUT.. !

Clean restroom.

A nice mini-fridge.

First things first. We immediately went shopping to purchase 10 liters of bottled water. I love to ‘flavor’ (4 parts water 1 part fruit juice) my drinking water with fruit juice and always have chilled bottles RTD (Ready To Drink ‘Zilla). Keeping them by the window keeps them chilled.

I’m going to call this ‘Welcome To ТАЙШЕТ (Taishet) Post’ a done deal.

We arrived at 9am exactly on time. It’s now 3:45pm and I haven’t stopped yet. Mike passed out from exhaustion three hours ago. Mike, bless him, is doing a lot of the  heavy lifting as to helping me get my bag up and down, and up and down again and again with regard to these steps. Of course I am not helpless by any stretch and, as he’s carrying his two bags, I am working my own bag. God bless him. Often he ‘shames’ young husky stalwart Russian males into carrying my bag. Then when I give them a small gratuity (100 or 200 Russian Rubles US $1.50 to $3) each of us is happy. After checking into our hotel, we immediately went out shopping (bottled water, instant noodle soup, bread, fruit juice, yogurt, snickers food  bars, cereal) for well over an hour. We were in and out of about five mini-grocery stores to get what we wanted to get.

Oh By The Way !!

Our room does come with Wi-Fi that is certainly acceptable.

The Time Has Come for me to text Patti and ask her to proof read this and to publish it.

Smiling .. Cap and Patti


  1. Patti Boone

    All those stairs would certainly be a major challenge for me, especially the ones with snow and ice upon each step. Yikes! Welcome to Tayshet .. hope you enjoy your 4 nights there and that you get some good rest. You and Mike both sound tired on the phone. Nice to be able to picture your hotel room! Hugs. Patti

    1. cap chastain

      We will just have to wait-and-see about the steps. It’s too early in the game since you’re not yet here. Otherwise we will have to rule-out any train travel and THAT would be a shame. It seems most (not all) of the train stations I’ve been in here are identical to India with the ‘flyover’ bridges that you must use to get to the various train departure and arrival tracks.

      Some train stations do have underground tunnels. BUT then you have to go down steps and then up steps to get back to ground level. The good news is that there are far fewer steps to transit to get to the underground track-access-tunnels.

      I like it when I know you can ‘picture’ us in our rooms here and there.

      Over here even some of the airline flights I’ve taken have involved steps up into the planes and down again.

      Much Love My Dear One .. Cap

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