I just sent Patti the below text message..

Whew. Just yesterday I napped while bathing in the sun. Today it won’t get above the building next door. And the world turns. Much Love. Cap

Poignant .. Adjective. Keen or strong in mental appeal: A subject of poignant interest. Affecting or moving the emotions: A poignant scene.

Back on September 23rd, I wrote about a raft-of-feelings that overcame me with the advent of Autumn. In case some of you did not read it, or wish to re-read it, below is a link to that post..


These and more feelings remain with me as Autumn continues to settle in. Our night time temperatures are now falling into the single digit realm. Last night it was 7°F. 

As I write, it is now 5:50pm (1750 hours) and I want to share the following poignant experience with you.

At 5:20pm I finished a call with Patti and told her that I was going to lay down and take a late afternoon nap.

What’s in a photo? The below photo was taken this afternoon at 5:25pm.

As I wrote in my above text message to Patti, yesterday, Saturday the 12th, I took a nap that spanned this precise time. When I awoke, I called Patti saying what a great nap it was and, as I slept, I was bathed by the warmth of the sun’s rays shining through the window upon me.

What’s in a photo? The below photo was taken this afternoon at 5:35pm.

Today, just a short 24-hours later, the sun did not rise above the roof of the buildings nearest me and across from me and so I was in shade as I began to lay down to take a nap.

I then pondered silently to myself.. “Will yesterday be the last time that here in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, during a late afternoon nap, I was bathed by the sun?”

Dusk is falling. 

I had to get up and turn on the overhead lights in my room. As you can see in the below photo, so too did others in the buildings near and across from me.

Poignant. The word fits perfectly with what I am feeling.

I wonder if just one other person is feeling what I am feeling? 


4 thoughts on “OCT 13, 19 .. A POIGNANT MOMENT ..

  1. Patricia Boone

    We are approaching the entrance of winter .. colder night time temperatures, the sun not appearing over certain buildings, daylight in general becoming less and less each day. We are losing over 5 1/2 minutes of daylight each day here in Alaska, and outside my door this morning we had our first frost. It is sparkly and crunchy to walk on. The changing of the seasons .. yes, it comes whether we are ready for it or not! Bundle up! Smiles and hugs. Patti

    1. Cap Chastain Post author

      I think that I need to ‘bundle up my mind’ and to try to shake off this current poignant mental passage from summer into autumn and now into winter. 5-1/5 minutes of daylight lost per day translates into 55 minutes lost over the next ten days. That is one hour. Whew. The cycles of all of life. Much Love and Gratitude for your undying support. Cap

  2. Daniel Boone

    Hey Cap,
    Just an idea– if you want to wake up with the warmth of sunshine on you, you could start your nap earlier.

    That “Hot Pepper Tuna” label would make me dubious and wary– glad you were adventurous enough to give it a whirl and discover a new Mongolian treat!

    And when I spoke to Patti last night, I told her about a quote I had included on a birthday card I was writing, and she said you would like it, so here it is:
    It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
    -Gabriel Garcia Marquez


    1. cap chastain

      Wow Danny .. Great Quote .. People grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.

      Yes Danny IF I lay down for a nap earlier (it gets earlier each day) there will be sunshine coming in my window but the timing is off as earlier I’m busy.

      IF I was adventurous I’d IMPORT that Korean Hot Spicy Tuna. Photos coming in a future Post. I’m eating it right-out-of-the-can it’s so good.

      Thanks Danny for your interest.. Cap and Patti too

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