Sunday Morning .. July 28, 2013 .. Anchorage Alaska ..

WHEW !  Patti and I are ‘just-back’ from our three week trip to Royal Oak Michigan.  Please Google .. bobba caps doxology .. my other web site for several posts with photographs and many details of our PHENOMENAL trip.

A cool grey late July morning in Anchorage Alaska.



Patti’s flowers were able to survive our 3-week trip.


It is a wonderfully cool grey 60 degree F morning. Now another ‘recovery-from-jet-lag’ commences!  It took me pretty much the entire three weeks in Michigan to fully recover from the 4-hour-jet-lag flying to Chicago and Detroit July 2nd, 3rd and 4th.  Last night I ‘crashed’ out at 10PM (2AM in Michigan) and awoke at 6AM (10AM in Michigan) this morning.


Patti’s flowers out-in-the back also survived (mostly said Patti).


This Thursday I have cataract eye-surgery on my right eye and one week later do-it-again on my left eye.  I have successfully put-this-off since January of 1999 .. yes for 14-some-years .. to the seeming amazement of my several MD (Ophthalmologist .. thank you Google and Wickipedia ! What would we ever do without you !) eye doctors.

In April of 2008 at my local DMV Office .. in reading the eye chart I rattled-off the correct letters with no hesitation. There was a LONG PAUSE .. and the DMV agent quietly said .. “Sir .. we are looking for numbers here !” .. with no hesitation I snapped off six numbers !  “That will be all right.”  I was advised.  I am here-to-tell-you all that 20-20 perfect eyesight is not necessary for safe driving.

What fun it was to ‘text’ some of you this past Friday and Saturday as Patti and I worked our way across Michigan to Chicago on Amtrak then flew North to Anchorage.

Again for much more on our visit to Detroit go to .. bobba caps doxology ..

Smiles .. Cap