SEP 6, 13 .. GOOD-TO-GO ‘ EYE-WISE ‘ ..

Lately I have been missing the food of India.  While the below photo is not a photo of food .. I sure would like to be gazing upon the tea plantations in South India at this moment!

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The above being-said .. let me get to my ability to .. eye-sight-wise .. gaze upon anything.

For those of you who have been following my cataract eye-surgery progress I say ..

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your interest.

Just knowing you are interested has meant so very much to me!

This morning .. several hours ago .. I had my final ‘regularly scheduled’ eye appointment with my eye surgeon.  As-of-this-instant .. barring any future complications we don’t know of .. I am ..


With all of the normal routine post-operation procedures (eye drops for three weeks) .. my right eye has been good-to-go basically since the operation.

As those of you who have been faithfully following along here know .. my left eye has had some ‘issues’ that began during the actual surgery itself.  This morning Patti and I together ‘breathed huge sighs-of-relief’ when the eye-pressure in my left eye was a very satisfactory 16.

It will be very nice to be totally free of the subtle .. but the very-real .. stress of having to orchestrate (up to four different) eye-drops from three to four times a day.  It will be very nice to be able to wash my face and hair without ‘fretting’ about getting water into either of my eyes.  It will be very nice not to have to ‘fret’ about which side (left or right) of my head I will sleep upon.  It will be very nice to not have to ‘fret’ about rubbing my eyes.

Now remains the issue of filling today’s prescription for new eye-glasses.  I was told this morning it will take up to two weeks to complete this.  Once I have my new eye-glasses then it will be out-and-off-to-the-DMV to renew my .. now expired as of yesterday my birthday .. driver’s license.

Once more .. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your interest!

Smiles .. Cap

It touches-my-heart to realize that you .. reading along with me here .. may never be able to gaze upon these beautiful tea plantations and that I am your ‘eyes’ to enable you to see them.

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