OCT 3, 11 (2/2) .. For What It’s Worth

These are the first of the DURGA PUJA (FESTIVAL) photos I will take.. the top two center photos and the lower left photo shows the incredible lighting at night.. the lower row left photo was taken about one hundred feet to the left of my HOTEL CIRCULAR .. almost right outside my door.. MY VERY OWN STREET PUJA (FESTIVAL).. if you will now look at the top row of photos.. the top one on the left shows what the photo directly beneath it looks like during the DAY.. WOW!.. who would ever think that it COMES ALIVE at night.. it looks so PLAIN during the day..the top row extreme right and the lower row photo on the right  are of the guest of honor for the entire week.. INDIA GODDESS DURGA.. can you see and count her arms..