AUG 9, 13 .. WHEW ! GREAT ‘EYE NEWS’ ..

This morning Patti and I met with my eye surgeon following my second (this time my left eye) cataract eye surgery yesterday.  As I wrote yesterday there were some ‘complications’ with the surgery on my left eye as regards the cornea and the iris.

So I was ‘sweating’ my appointment this morning .. very concerned that further surgery might be required.  What a relief when my surgeon removed the bandage and I could actually see clearly.  I was afraid things would be ‘ black ‘ but my worries were without merit.

Not the case.  Yes !  Some issues (excessive eye presssure that was relieved this morning with medications and stitches will need to be removed that were put-in-place yesterday) remain but are not judged to be any problem by my surgeon.

So in the proverbial ‘ nutshell ‘ things are sure looking bright.  I can now see very clearly and I am happy with the process to this point-in-time.  Yes I have about four more weeks of eye drops and after-care but this I can manage easily.

So for now .. I will call my eye adventure a ‘ wrap ‘ with a successful ending as of this point-in-time.

Much Joy .. Cap

Some water fowl here in Anchorage down near the water .. they are hard to see in this first photo below but many enjoy this small island.


In the distance are some of the ever-present canadian geese in flight.


These chaps couldnt’ care less about me and my camera..

